Our Nursery children have been working on their fine motor skills by keeping our assault course tidy and picking up litter.
All posts by Karen McNab
Library Visit
Primary 3 enjoyed visiting the library to learn more about how the library is organised.
Outdoor Athletics for Primary 4.
Celebrating Success
Forest Fun
Our Nursery children love exploring our forest environment.
Congratulations to our Successful Writers and Successful Pupils in the area of Technology.
Primary 5 delivered a wonderful assembly about their ‘Clyde in the Classroom’ topic. This involved the children looking after their own brown trout in the class before releasing them into a local stream.
Our fabulous danced troop performed at assembly the dance they performed at NLC dance competition.
Celebrating Success
Congratulations to this super girl for passing her dancing exams.
These great children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Congratulations.
Displaying Data
Primary 3 have been using the iPads to display data in a variety of ways.
Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 have had a fantastic day at Summerlee . They had had fun down the mine, playing in the park and they took part in a workshop.