Social Media

Twitter Accounts

We have a number of Twitter accounts covering life at the school.  They are a great way to gain insight into all that goes on at Saint Margaret’s. You do not need your own Twitter account to access our tweets.

School: @MargaretsHigh
Religious Education: @smhsRE
Maths:  @StMargaretsMath
Languages:  @SMHSEnglishDept
Science: @science_stmags
STEM: @stemsmhs
Social Subjects: @stmargarets_ss
Technologies:  @StMargaretsTech
Football:  @StMagsFootball
Health & Wellbeing:  @stmagsHWB
Future Fridays:  @SMHSFridays
Pupil Voice: @StMagPupilVoice
SMHS Youth Society of Saint Vincent De Paul Team:  @StMargaretsSVDP
SMHS Caritas:  @StMagsCaritas
Parent Council: @StMargaretsHSPC

Link to school YouTube account?