We welcome and encourage parental involvement at Saint Margaret’s. This section explains the difference between the Parent Forum and the Parent Council.
Following the Parent Council on Twitter @StMargaretsHSPC is a good way to find out if it is something you would like to join.
The Parent Forum
As a parent of a child at this school you are automatically a member of the Parent Forum. The Parent Forum is composed of all parents and carers of children at the school. As a member of the Parent Forum you can expect to:
• get information about what your child is learning
• get information about events and activities at the school
• get advice/help on how you can support your child’s learning
• be told about opportunities to be involved in the school
• have a say in selecting a Parent Council to work on behalf of all parents at the school
• be invited to identify issues for the Parent Council to work on with the school
The Parent Council
Parent Councils came into force on 1st August 2007. The composition of the Parent Council was determined by the Parent Forum. The Head Teacher is the professional adviser to the Parent Council.
The Parent Council’s right and duties include:
• supporting the work of the school;
• representing the views of parents;
• consulting with parents and reporting back to the Parent Forum on matters of interest;
• promoting contact between the school, parents, pupils and the wider community;
• fundraising
• taking part in the selection of senior promoted staff
• receiving reports from the Head Teacher and Education Authority; and
• receiving an annual budget for administration, training and other expenses.
• Improving home school partnership and facilitating parental involvement
Members of Parent Councils, on a voluntary basis, may also have an advisory role in decisions of placing requests in respect of those situations where the number of placing requests for a particular school or for a particular stage in a particular school exceeds the number of places available.
The Head Teacher has a right and duty to attend all meetings of the Parent Council. Meetings of the parent council are open to members of the public.
The procedures for election of Parent Council Representatives for Saint Margaret’s High School are as follows:-
• Nominations invited from parent/carers
• Membership will be a minimum of 6 parents/carers of children attending the school. The maximum size is 12
• The School Council will be selected for a period of two years after which they may put themselves forward for re-selection if they wish. All parents/carers of children at the school can take part in the election
Parent Council Members
All members can be contacted via school office on 01236 794888
Chair (TBA Parent)
Vice Chair Liam Spillane (Parent)
Clerk Kirsty McSorley
Treasurer TBA (Parent)
Church Representative Giovanna Tweedie (Parent)
Member Matthew Costello (Parent)
Member June Ford (Parent)
Member Louise Wholmes (Parent)
Member Paul Timoney (Parent)
Helen Parker (Teacher)
Carol Anne Lees (Teacher)