Primary 6 – Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Tuesday, But you probably already knew that.

What you may not know is that we have been watching, ‘Mi Vida Loca’ on a Tuesday  but in Spain Tuesday is considered an unlucky day, especially Tuesday the 13th


Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1. 17x48p = 816p ,  2×52 = 624p,  816+624 = 1440p or £14.40
  2. Change everything to pence. 435p-75p = 360p,  360p÷3p = 120 pages
  3. 3000÷60 = 50 portions of rice
  4.  2000x£2.30 = £4,600,  700x£2.30 = £1,610,  50x£2.30= £115,  3x£2.30 = £6.90,  £4,600+£1,610+£115+£6.90 = £6,331.90
  5.  Change it all to pence,  61295p÷65 = 943 programmes
  6. Simplify and remove the decimal points,  4485÷975 = 4.6 or £4.60
  7. 24 cubes÷4 = 6,  6×3(to find ¾) = 18,  so 18 red cubes,  4 blue cubes and 2 green cubes to make 24.
  8.  Try a table, estimate and check

    Bags of Red

    Bags of Green Total
    1 1

    75+90 = 165p or £1.65



    150+180 = 330p or £3.30



    225+270 = 495p or £4.95

    (75p too much)

    2 3

    150+270 = 420p or £4.20

  9.  100x50p = 5000p or £50,  80x30p = 2400p or £24,  £80+£24 = £104
  10.  40%+15% = 55% leaving 45% still to visit,  45% of 250,000 is 250,000÷100 = 2,500×45 = 112,500 people
  11.  There are 5 blocks of 200g in 1kg, so divide by 5,  £7.50÷5 = £1.50
  12.  There are 4 stacks of 90p in £3.60 so she buys ¼ of a kilogram or 250g
  13.  Try a table, estimate and check
    Buy Lunch Packed Lunch




    £25+£75 = £100



    £50+£60 = £110

  14.  Change everything to grams and divide, 1500g÷30 or 150÷3 (the answer is the same) = 50 days
  15.  8x6g of fibre = 48g of fibre in an 800g loaf,  48g÷20 = 2.4g of fibre in each slice
  16.  Weight of matches = 45g-23g = 22g,  one match weighs 22g÷220 = 0.1g
  17.  Total cost of the journey is 114x£1.36 = £155.04,  cost for each person is £155.04÷8 = £19.38
  18. 35 apple trees cost 35x£24.75 = £866.25,  money left = £1200-£866.25 = £333.75,  £333.75÷12.50 = 26.7 so he can buy 26 pear trees but not 27
  19. £40÷4.25 = 9.41,  so they can buy 9 yo-yos,  9 yo-yos cost 9x£4.25 = £38.25,  they have 75p left
  20. If a quarter of the class are boys then three quarters are girls, so 18 is ¾, that means 6 is ¼. There are 6 boys in the class

How did you get on? They were a proper nightmare weren’t they. Today were going to go a little easier.

  1. Mr Gifford has 282,519 photos on his camera. His sister has 632,649. How many more photos does Mr Gifford’s sister have?
  2. Samantha has 438,670 DVDs in her collection. Tara has 234,548. How many DVDs do they have together?
  3. In an endurance race, George ran 366,264m. The winner ran 406,938m. How much further was the winning distance?
  4. Sam the giant ate 481,930 people. His dad ate 620,784 people. How many more people did his dad eat?
  5. In January, 1,470,306 people visit the swimming pool. In June the number of visitors increases by 1,742,465. How many people visit in June?
  6. On Monday, one million, four hundred and fifty two thousand six hundred and two people watched a football match on TV. On Wednesday, two million, eight hundred and ninety six thousand two hundred and eighty nine people watched a football match on TV. How many people watched the two games?
  7. A brand new Ferrari costs £1,180,205. In the sale, the price is reduced by £209,890. What is the new price of the Ferrari?
  8. A farm in Australia has 3,548,205 sheep, 1,709,878 cows and 11 dogs. How many animals are there in total?
  9. What is the sum of 4,332,892 and 3,769,247?
  10. There are 3,882,675 West Ham fans in the world and 9,920,249 Liverpool supporters in the world. What is the total number of West Ham and Liverpool fans in the world?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter adding the missing letters

music – mus—–

space  – spa—–

finance  – finan—-

opti-  – opti—-

office  – offi—-

suffi–  – sufficient

face  – fa—-

grace  – gra—–

tactic  – tacti—-

electric  – electri—-

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about three quarters the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Swine Answers

Secret Sense Answers

Manga Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Giant comprehension

Throw comprehension

Bear comprehension


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.


With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Time for, ‘Mi Vida Loca’

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Tuesday 19th May

Good morning Primary 6,

It’s Tuesday, The name Tuesday comes from a Middle English word, Tiwesday.

This was named after the Nordic god Tyr.

Tyr was the God of War, like the Roman war god Mars, and Greek god Ares.

In Latin, Tuesday is called ‘Martis dies’ which means “Mars’s Day”

So watch out for arguments today, and don’t get involved in any land wars in Asia or go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 90 cars

b) 3,000 bricks

c) 252 chips

d) 272 letters

e) 18×6 (no post on Sunday) = 108×7 = 756 miles

f) 440 miles

g) 69×5 (school days) = 345×6 (weeks) = 2,070p or £20.70

h) £880

i) 996m

j) £9.44

This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) John receives a monthly allowance of £22. How much is he given

each year?

b) 253 people go to a rock concert. Each person pays £16.75 for a ticket.

What is the total amount of ticket money collected?

c) It costs £0.80 for a child to swim. How much does it cost for a class

of 27 to swim?

d)There were 8956 ants in one ant hill and 3949 in another. How many ants were there altogether?

e)There were 6975 trees on a Pacific Island. A tropical storm blew down 2698 of them. How many were left?

f)A plane flew 2675 miles of a 6000 mile long journey,  before stopping to refuel. How much further does it have to go?

g)A library has 10000 books altogether. 2345 books are for children. 3654 books are non- fiction. The rest are fiction. How many fiction books are there?

h)Cilla wants to buy a new car for £6470.  She has £4885 in her savings account and receives £854 for her birthday. How much more money does she need to save?

i)Daniel planned to drive 1364 miles in one week.  On the first day he drove 172 miles and on the second day 155 miles.  How much further did he have to go?

j)The population of Cardiff is 302 747, whilst the population of Sarajevo is 529 321. How many more people live in Sarajevo than in Cardiff?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We haven’t made the leader board yet because lots of you are on Sumdog but are not answering the competition questions! You’ve got until the 21st. We would be in the top ten if you were answering competition questions instead of playing other games!!


This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.

Here is your word list for this week.

jacket,  packet,  racket,  ticket,  wicket,  cricket,

thicket,  locket,  pocket,  rocket,  socket,  bucket

a)Each of these key words has had its vowels removed (painfully). Write the completed words in your jotter.

j-ck-t,  r-ck-t,  t-ck-t,  p-ck-t,  w-ck-t,  b-ck-t

b) What am I?

  1. I’m used in tennis and rhyme with packet.
  2. I allow you to travel and rhyme with thicket.
  3. I launch satellites and rhyme with socket.
  4. I’m a sport and rhyme with wicket.
  5. I’m sewn in trousers and rhyme with locket.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Kappa Answers

FMX Answers

Pele Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.

Brothers Comprehension

Friend Comprehension

Trees Comprehension



Yesterday we were looking at the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ message to,

‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

I asked you to think about your families and how much you love them. I also reminded you that Pope Francis has told us all to care for others, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today I would like to think about the people living in the same house as you; there might be two of you, there might be six of you! It doesn’t matter. Now I would like you to think of FIVE little things that you could do this week for those in your home. It could be that you set the table, make your bed, clear up after a meal, make someone a cup of tea or even take the vacuum cleaner for a walk!

When you have selected five things, draw some heart shapes and inside each, draw or write your tasks. You can make some extra hearts for decoration. Colour or decorate them carefully. Next make a circle wreath-shape like the picture below or if you have a paper plate, use that. Attach your heart shapes and display your Caring Wreath somewhere you can see it easily. Carry out your tasks this week and show that you care – no ifs, no buts!

Please email your Caring Wreath to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter @St_BarbarasPS and to Pope Francis’ Twitter @Pontifex


Yesterday we had a look at making healthy snacks and the skills you need to create something delicious in the kitchen!

Today as we get closer to Sports’ Day next Tuesday, let’s be a little more energetic with a dance and then some yoga!


As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5/4 – Tuesday 19th May

Good morning!!!

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s tasks.  I know the healthy snack was a favourite of so many of you.  I Loved all the pictures – your snacks looked amazing!

Yesterday was Monday so that means…

Yesterday some of you sent me some pictures of your work.  I have attached these into your PowerPoint.


I have some more activities below for you to try – good luck!

P5.4 lesson 19.05.20

Spanish Lesson 5 – Worksheet A

Spanish Lesson 5 – Worksheet B

Mrs Grant x

Primary 5/4 – Monday 18th May

Good morning boys and girls!

Well done on your wonderful video boys and girls it was lovely seeing your faces again.

Please feel free to email me pictures of you doing your tasks I would love to see them and retweet them if possible.  Also remember to email me your completed tasks and I’ll upload them on the website so everyone can see your great work!  My email is

I have attached your activities below.  I hope you have a wonderful day!

Mrs Grant x

P5.4 lesson 18.05.20


Primary 6 – Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Problems

a) Sandra has been buying a lot of newspapers and magazines since the start of quarantine. She spends £7.58 on newspapers, £6.15 on puzzle magazines and £8.93 on celebrity gossip magazines every week. How much is she spending in total every week?

b) Could Sandra pay with a £20 note?

c) How much more is she spending on gossip than on news?

d) Her most expensive puzzle magazine is £1.99. If she stops buying it, how much will she be spending on puzzles?

e) Sandra stacks up her newspapers and magazines when she is finished reading them. Her stack is 2.7 cm tall every week. How tall will Sandra’s stack of newspapers and magazines be after 8 weeks?

f) The arm of Sandra’s couch is 42 cm high. How many weeks will it take for the stack to be taller than the arm of her couch?

g) When the stack of magazines reaches over the arm of Sandra’s couch how much money will she have spent?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re going to look at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.


true, blue, give, love

Make a list in your jotter of 10 other words where a silent ‘e’ is used to stop the word ending in a ‘v’ or ‘u’

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Oochigeas comprehension

Fuzz comprehension

Huberta comprehension


May is the month of Mary.


This week I want you to think about ways in which we can show good manners to the people that we are around every day. In your jotter write these headings and try to list some examples of good manners in each situation:

Good Manners in the House

  • Clean up after yourself
  • Say please and thank you

Good manners on the Computer

  • Clear your work from the home screen
  • Do not open other people’s files

Good manners at Mealtimes

  • Wash your hands before you come to eat
  • If you cannot reach something ask politely for it to be passed to you



As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.


a) 93  b) 111 c) 64  d) 95

e) 120  f) 133  g) 202  h) 139

i) 450  j) 640  k) 630  l) 1710

m) 7,700  n) 5,000  o) 5,600  p) 9,400


a) 13  b) 25  c) 19  d) 13

e) 35  f) 19  g) 63  h) 151

i) 70  j) 270  k)180  l) 130

m) 1,250  n) 2,600  o) 2,800  p) 7,100

Today I would like you to do some addition and subtraction involving decimals.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add or subtract you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Calculations

a) 4.6+2.5  b) 17.3+8.9  c) 14.7+55.8  d) 74.8+26.9

e) 7.35+1.43  f) 4.48+3.01  g) 7.04+2.59  h) 8.57+5.72

i) 5.72+1.39  j) 13.56+12.78  k) 28.14+2.87  l) 32.94+24.09

m) 8.5-2.3  n) 43.8-21.6  o) 72.4-25.7  p) 35.18-27.93

q) 7.58-6.31  r) 8.49-4.27  s) 5.08-2.01  t) 9.54-1.12

u) 5.24-3.17  v) 8.67-4.96  w) 5.01-2.43  x) 7.15-5.26

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Your spelling words for this week are:

process, resources, soldier, technique, weight, proposition, Saturday, stationary, texture, women

Today I would like you to organised your words into alphabetical order and then add prefixes or suffixes to make word families.


process – processing, processed, processor, procession, reprocess

After 19 chapters we are now finished, “How to Train your Dragon.”

I’ve assigned you some more books in Scholastic Books. Some are shorter but there is one longer novel that I think that you will enjoy.

I’m also going to give you the option to do some short comprehension exercises. I’m going to post three a day but you can choose to do as many of them as you wish. I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Blue Light comprehension

Deep Space comprehension

Virtual comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

Today let us say the Memorare

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy hear and answer me.


Now lets think about the different situations in which you could provide help to someone.

Read each of these situations and answer showing the ways in which you could help.

a) If someone was feeling lonely, I could….

b) If someone was feeling unwell, I could….

c) If I accidentally deleted half of my work, I could….

d) If I saw someone being badly treated, I could….

e) If I saw an animal in distress, I could….

As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5/4 – Tuesday 5th May

Good morning boys and girls!

It’s Tuesday again and the sun is shining bright.  What a lovely way to start our day.

Today before you begin your tasks I would like you to say a prayer for all those who have died.


I have uploaded another PowerPoint below with today’s tasks.  Remember to do only what you can.

P5.4 lesson 05.05.20

I have attached all the additional links below that can’t be inserted into the PowerPoint as they are documents on my hard drive.

Please see below for the Angelus Prayer Card:

DOM-Daily-Angelus-Challenge-Card (1)

Maths worksheets:  Please remember the answers are all on the second page so don’t be peeking before you give them a try!

Squares: Squares Addition (1)

Circles: Circles Addition

Diamonds: Diamonds Addition

The links to the Spanish worksheets are below:

Spanish – Lesson 3 – a

Spanish – Lesson 3 – b

Thank you boys and girls I hope you have an amazing day today and you can email me at any time on

I am working in the Hub on Thursday and Friday but will still be available by email if you need anything.

Please remember to:

Mrs Grant x



Primary 6 – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning Primary 6,

Our spelling words this week all contain ‘ow’ but ‘ow’ can make more than one sound.

In your jotter sort the following words into two columns

Words with ‘ow’

Sounding like ‘cow’

Words with ‘ow’

Sounding like ‘window’



growl, known, prowl, show, growth, scowl, clown, slow, blown, brown, throw, crown, shown, down, frown, thrown

I can see that some of you have been using the support materials on Sumdog, remember Sumdog has more than just maths games on it and I have set some spelling and grammar challenges for you too.

Here is Cressida Cowell reading chapter 15 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

The Green Death and The Purple Death are face to face and the great battle has begun. Visualise the battle, the Green Death on one side and the Purple Death on the other. Describe their thick skin, their huge talons, their violent attacks and the effect that their enormous, thrashing bodies are having on the headland and on the boys.

For a math’s starter today

Lets try a speed challenge. Follow the link below. Choose level 5, rounding, up to 1,000,000 to nearest 10 and set yourself 10 seconds for each question.

Then copy and complete these statements in your jotter:

a) 6.7 lies between 6 and 7. It is closer to….

b) 4.3 lies between 4 and 5 . It is closer to…..

c) 7.5 lies between 7 and … . It is closer to ….

d) 1.58 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….

e) 5.34 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….

f) 0.83 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….

g) 10.8 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….

h) 23.25 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….

i) 58.81 lies between … and … . It is closer to ….


Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar began on the evening of Thursday the 23rd of April. Ramadan remembers the month that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad.

Follow this link to find out more about Ramadan:

For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to identify all of the ways that you are being supported by other members of your family and how you are supporting them. Perhaps they have cleared a part of the room to be your work space or they have created a chart giving you time to work on each task. Maybe you have been doing chores around the house more regularly or helping a younger sibling with their work. You could list these things in your jotter.

Finally, here is the next episode of, Mi Vida Loca.


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 5/4 – Tuesday 28th April

Good morning!

How are you all?  I hope that all my links work today – unlike yesterday!  Fingers crossed today boys and girls!

I have attached my lesson plans today below.  I hope you have a fabulous day and I’ll be back next Monday 🙂

Mrs Grant x

P5.4 lesson 28.04.20


To ensure that you could access the Spanish worksheets I have attached them here below: Worksheet A:

Spanish – Lesson 2 – a

Worksheet B:

Spanish – Lesson 2 – b




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