Primary 6 – Monday 18th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Yay, It’s Monday!!

Here are the answers to Friday’s maths questions.

a)£0.96 for 6 melons, £0.94 for 8 melons. It’s cheaper to buy 8 melons.

b) £11.52

c) 12 melons – 2 groups of 6.

d) £7.58 per person so £31.40 for 4.

e) £10.50 per class paying by the minute. 3 classes are £31.50. It’s cheaper to buy 3 classes for £30.

This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) There is room in a multi-storey car park for 45 cars on each of 4

floors. How many cars are there if the car park is half full?

b) It takes 750 bricks to build one wall of a house – how many bricks

will be needed to build all four walls?

c) 28 people eat school dinners. On average, each pupil is given 9

chips. How many chips do the dinner ladies need to cook each day?

d) There are 8 classes in school, each with 34 pupils in them. How

many letters need to be photocopied if each person is to take one home?

e) A postie drives 18 miles to each day to make deliveries. How far do they travel in  7


f) A car travels at 55 miles per hour (mph). How many miles will it

travel in 8 hours?

g) A school dinner costs 69p. How much will it cost to have school

dinners every day for 6 weeks?

h) The benches around school cost £40 each. How much did it cost

to buy 22 benches?

i) The swimming pool is 12 metres long. How many metres would I

swim if I did 83 lengths?

j) Emma saves £0.59 each week. How much has she saved after

16 weeks?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We haven’t made the leader board yet because lots of you are on Sumdog but are not answering the competition questions! You’ve got until the 21st. We would be in the top ten if you were answering competition questions instead of playing other games!!


This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.

Here is your word list for this week. Copy the words into your jotter and practise them in any way you choose:

jacket,  packet,  racket,  ticket,  wicket,  cricket,

thicket,  locket,  pocket,  rocket,  socket,  bucket

Here are the answers to Friday’s comprehension exercises

Liquid Solid Gas Answers

Carbon Answers

Bayeux Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.

Kappa comprehension

FMX comprehension

Pele comprehension



Yesterday was the sixth Sunday of Easter. In the Gospel, Jesus said that if you love him, you will keep his commandments.

Commandments are rules. However God’s rules are all about love – about loving God and each other. If we love someone, we try our very best to show that by being polite, kind, generous and happy when we talk to them or about them to others.

You have rules and home and we have rules in school. Just like the Ten Commandments, our rules are all about looking after each other and doing the best for each other so that we can all be happy together at home or in school.

Sometimes we break the rules – adults as well as children. If we break God’s rules, we call that sin. Don’t worry though, we can make it better.

Just like at home or in school, if we are sorry and say that to the person we have hurt – and try our best not to do it again – God will forgive us because he loves each one of us so much.

We can read about the Ten Commandments which were given to Moses in the Old Testament which is the first section of the Bible.

You can see them here. Read them or ask an adult for help then chat to someone in your family about them.

In the New Testament (the second section of the Bible), Jesus spoke about love all of the time. In fact, he made a ‘New Commandment.’

He asked us all to, ‘ Love one another as I have loved you.’

If you think about it – we all love ourselves and look after ourselves.

Jesus is saying simply that we should love everyone else as much as we love ourselves. If we all did that, the world would be a much happier place! In fact, if we all did that then we would be following the Ten Commandments without even realizing it!

At Easter, Pope Francis told us that we should love and care for each other, ‘No ifs, no buts!’

Today, let’s think about how we love each other: our family and our friends.

I would like you to choose one of the following activities. You can download and print a picture or you can make one of your own. When you have finished it, place it somewhere where all of the family can see it to remind yourselves of how just much you love and care for each other.


Please email your pictures to  or, with an adult’s permission, upload them on to Twitter.


Healthy Snack Day!

We’re heading towards our Virtual Sports’ Day next Tuesday and what better way to prepare than to think about healthy snacks for the day.

They don’t need to be fancy…just healthy and delicious.

Have a look at some of these:

Try to create a healthy snack of your own. What ingredients might you need?

Cooking Skills for Learning, Life and Work!

Depending upon your age, you could practise some of these skills  as you prepare your snack. You might need to ask an adult for help.

You will be using skills that will be with you for the rest of your life. These skills are progressive. That means that if you haven’t peeled or sliced ingredients before (see the Primary 1 list) you will need to practise these before you move on to the next list!

Remember to wash your hands before you begin!


At Early Level

Primary 1

First Level

Primary 2- Primary 4

Second Level

Primary 5 – Primary 7

o    Peeling

o    Slicing

o    Mixing

o     Spreading



o    Washing ingredients

o    Peeling

o    Cutting

o    Juicing

o    Grating


o    Weighing

o    Measuring

o    Kneading

o    Chopping

o    Baking

o    Grilling

Once you have made your snack, take a picture before you eat it and share it with all of us!

You can email your picture to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission. Happy Healthy Snack Day!l

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Friday 15th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Yay, It’s Friday!!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) £7.38

b) £3.89 and £7.45

c) £4.38

d) £4.79

e) £15.60

This week we have been working on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) Frank’s Fruit Store are running a special deal on melons…..

£5.76 for 6 melons or £7.52 for 8 melons

by working out the cost in each deal for one melon find out which deal is better.

b) Norah goes out with £20. She buys 2 engineering magazines for £4.24 each. How much change will she get?

c) With the money she gets in change how many melons can she buy from Frank?

d) The total cost for 9 people to go bowling was £70.65. By working out the cost for one person, how much would it cost for 4 people to go bowling?

e) Barry has been taking online yoga classes. The classes last 30 minutes and he pays £0.35 per minute. Is it better for Barry to pay by the minute or pay £30 for three classes?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools starting today. Get in!!


This week for spelling we’re looking at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.

Here are a list of words which follow this rule.

give, love, have, live, carve, blue, due. true, glue, clue, twelve, forgive

Today is test day. Give your list of spelling words to someone in your family and get them to test you.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Sedna Answers

Dalai Lama Answers

New Zealand Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on Monday.

Carbon Comprehension

Liquid Gas Solid Comprehension

Bayeux Comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am.


For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to look at the Values Report that you created yesterday. For the areas where you responded, “I need to practise more” create a Practice Plan which shows ways that you can begin to show these values more often in your daily life.

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Thursday 14th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Look at that, it’s Thursday already. If days keeps flying past like this it will be Friday tomorrow before you know it.

How did you get on with yesterday’s maths questions?

Here are the answers

a) Joe – £18.66   ,  Jan – £20.12   , Dawn – £20.29   ,  Dave – £17.84

b) Dawn

c) Dave

d) £0.17

e) £12.71

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) I bought a calculator, a pen and a pencil case from the internet and the bill came to £17.12. I remember that the calculator was £6.75 and the pen was £2.99. How much was the pencil case?

b) The bill for 4 of us at The Burger Pit, including drinks, came to £19.12. I paid for the drinks, £3.56, and the rest of the bill was split evenly between the four of us. How much did each of my friends pay for their food only and how much did it cost me for my meal and all the drinks?

c) I bought a matching pair of candlesticks that I didn’t need at 2 in the morning on Ebay for £14.92. My wife hated them. I sold one of them for £7.99 on Gumtree and the second one for £2.55, because it was rusty. How much did I lose on the deal?

d) Two chicken suppers and a sausage supper cost me £11.98. If the sausage supper is £2.40, what is the price of a chicken supper.

e) Gordon borrowed money from me. He paid me back eventually. He paid me £2.55 on the first week and followed this with 9 payments of £1.45. How much did Gordon borrow from me?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re looking at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.

Here are a list of words which follow this rule.

give, love, have, live, carve, blue, due. true, glue, clue, twelve, forgive

Today try to LOOK, COVER, WRITE and CHECK your spelling words ahead of tomorrow’s test.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Caviar Answers

Tin Answers

Stinky Answers


I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Sedna comprehension

Dalai Lama comprehension

New Zealand comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

Find out what you can about the events that happened in Lourdes in France in 1858. Why do you think that Lourdes has become such an important place for Catholics?


For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to write a Values Report about yourself.


My rating

(a)    Pretty Good

(b)    Ok

(c)     I need to practise more

My evidence for my rating


Telling the truth

Not stealing

Owning up

A time when I showed this value was when I …


Taking turns

Playing by the rules

Returning a favour

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Being on time

Keeping promises

Being reliable

Doing what I say I will

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Helping when it is needed

Encouraging others

Caring about others

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Working well with someone

Sorting things out

Doing my share

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Using good manners

Asking permission before using other people’s things

A time when I showed this value was when I …

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Wednesday 13th May

Good morning Primary 6,

How did you get on with yesterday’s maths questions?

Here are the answers

Mixed Problems

a) £22.66 per week

b) No, she would be £2.66 short

c) £1.35

d) £4.16

e) 21.6 cm

f) 16 weeks

g) £362.56

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

The table below shows how much money four young children raised for charity by holding a virtual stay-awake sleepover.


Joe Jan Dawn



£4.20 £2.00 £2.94


Friends £5.00 £6.20 £1.30


Family £8.57 £8.75 £14.38


Others £0.89 £3.17 £1.67


a) How much did each child raise individually?

b) Who raised the most?

c) Who raised the least?

d) By how much more is the highest total larger than the second highest?

e) Find the difference between how much Dawn raised from her family and from ‘others’.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re looking at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.

Here are a list of words which follow this rule. Write them into your jotter and practise them this week in any way you choose.

give, love, have, live, carve, blue, due. true, glue, clue, twelve, forgive

There are some words that do end in ‘u.’ Can you make a list of them? I’ll give you a clue, we borrowed most of them from French.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Oochigeas Answers

Huberta Answers

Fuzz Answers


I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Caviar Comprehension

Stinky Comprehension

Tin Comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

There are several popular prayers which call upon Mary to intercede for us. Find one and write it out. Illustrate your prayer in the flowers associated with Our Lady.


Time for a Wednesday workout

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Tuesday 12th May

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

This week we are going to work on some problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Problems

a) Sandra has been buying a lot of newspapers and magazines since the start of quarantine. She spends £7.58 on newspapers, £6.15 on puzzle magazines and £8.93 on celebrity gossip magazines every week. How much is she spending in total every week?

b) Could Sandra pay with a £20 note?

c) How much more is she spending on gossip than on news?

d) Her most expensive puzzle magazine is £1.99. If she stops buying it, how much will she be spending on puzzles?

e) Sandra stacks up her newspapers and magazines when she is finished reading them. Her stack is 2.7 cm tall every week. How tall will Sandra’s stack of newspapers and magazines be after 8 weeks?

f) The arm of Sandra’s couch is 42 cm high. How many weeks will it take for the stack to be taller than the arm of her couch?

g) When the stack of magazines reaches over the arm of Sandra’s couch how much money will she have spent?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

This week for spelling we’re going to look at a spelling rule. The rule is, “Silent E for V and U”

To avoid words ending in a ‘v’ or a ‘u’ a silent ‘e’ is often added.


true, blue, give, love

Make a list in your jotter of 10 other words where a silent ‘e’ is used to stop the word ending in a ‘v’ or ‘u’

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Oochigeas comprehension

Fuzz comprehension

Huberta comprehension


May is the month of Mary.


This week I want you to think about ways in which we can show good manners to the people that we are around every day. In your jotter write these headings and try to list some examples of good manners in each situation:

Good Manners in the House

  • Clean up after yourself
  • Say please and thank you

Good manners on the Computer

  • Clear your work from the home screen
  • Do not open other people’s files

Good manners at Mealtimes

  • Wash your hands before you come to eat
  • If you cannot reach something ask politely for it to be passed to you



As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Thursday 7th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.


a) £7.69  b) £61.21  c) £47.73  d) £15.81

e) £37.65  f) £78.64  g) £3.21  h) £3.61

i) £0.04  j) £34.30  k) £67.51  l) £20.63

m) £33.75

n) £27.49

o) 6.6

Today I would like you to answer these problems.

a) The postman is delivering two parcels. One weighs 17.7kg and the other weighs 32.8kg. What is the total weight of the parcels?

b) From Bishopbriggs to Renfrew is 13.07 miles. From Renfrew to Chryston is 15.02 miles. How far is it from Bishopbriggs to Chryston?

c) A blue plant is 0.85 m tall. A red plant is 1.23 m tall. How much taller is the red plant?

d) Tanya weighs 62.73 kg. Lisa weighs 54.58 kg. What is their combined weight?

e) How much heavier than Lisa is Tanya?

f) Two cars and a lorry are being loaded onto a transporter. The first car is 4.35 m long. The second car is 3.07 m long. The lorry is 6.13 m long. How long does the transporter need to be to carry all three?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these at 6 o’clock tonight or you can send me your answers at:

Your spelling words for this week are:

process, resources, soldier, technique, weight, proposition, Saturday, stationary, texture, women

Only a few of you have used Sumdog this week to practise them. Today I would like you to use Sumdog to practise your spelling.

After 19 chapters we are now finished, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises.

Phobias Answers

Zinbah Answers

Strange Fellow Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish. I’ll post the answers at 6 o’clock tonight as tomorrow is a holiday.

Weird Ones Comprehension

School Hall Comprehension

Devils Marbles Comprehension

May is the month of Mary.

Many people have had their life changed through their devotion to Mary. Research someone from history who changed things through their devotion to Our Lady.

For Health and Wellbeing today I would like you to find out about UNICEF an organisation founded by the United Nations.

What is UNICEF and how is it helping children like you all around the world?

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Tuesday 5th May

Good morning Primary 6,

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.


a) 93  b) 111 c) 64  d) 95

e) 120  f) 133  g) 202  h) 139

i) 450  j) 640  k) 630  l) 1710

m) 7,700  n) 5,000  o) 5,600  p) 9,400


a) 13  b) 25  c) 19  d) 13

e) 35  f) 19  g) 63  h) 151

i) 70  j) 270  k)180  l) 130

m) 1,250  n) 2,600  o) 2,800  p) 7,100

Today I would like you to do some addition and subtraction involving decimals.

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add or subtract you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

Mixed Calculations

a) 4.6+2.5  b) 17.3+8.9  c) 14.7+55.8  d) 74.8+26.9

e) 7.35+1.43  f) 4.48+3.01  g) 7.04+2.59  h) 8.57+5.72

i) 5.72+1.39  j) 13.56+12.78  k) 28.14+2.87  l) 32.94+24.09

m) 8.5-2.3  n) 43.8-21.6  o) 72.4-25.7  p) 35.18-27.93

q) 7.58-6.31  r) 8.49-4.27  s) 5.08-2.01  t) 9.54-1.12

u) 5.24-3.17  v) 8.67-4.96  w) 5.01-2.43  x) 7.15-5.26

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Your spelling words for this week are:

process, resources, soldier, technique, weight, proposition, Saturday, stationary, texture, women

Today I would like you to organised your words into alphabetical order and then add prefixes or suffixes to make word families.


process – processing, processed, processor, procession, reprocess

After 19 chapters we are now finished, “How to Train your Dragon.”

I’ve assigned you some more books in Scholastic Books. Some are shorter but there is one longer novel that I think that you will enjoy.

I’m also going to give you the option to do some short comprehension exercises. I’m going to post three a day but you can choose to do as many of them as you wish. I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Blue Light comprehension

Deep Space comprehension

Virtual comprehension


May is the month of Mary.

Today let us say the Memorare

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence,
I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother;
to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy hear and answer me.


Now lets think about the different situations in which you could provide help to someone.

Read each of these situations and answer showing the ways in which you could help.

a) If someone was feeling lonely, I could….

b) If someone was feeling unwell, I could….

c) If I accidentally deleted half of my work, I could….

d) If I saw someone being badly treated, I could….

e) If I saw an animal in distress, I could….

As it’s Tuesday why don’t we follow the further adventures of, “Mi Vida Loca”

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Monday 4th May

Good morning Primary 6,

I hope that you had a lovely weekend.

Thank you to all of the people who sent me the answers to their spelling assessment and the math’s questions from Friday. It’s great to see so many of you doing so well.

For those of you who are still wondering these are the answers from Friday:

a) 4.28 or 4 b) 7.5 or 8  c ) 5.2 or 5  d) 3.85 or 4  e) 4.67 or 5 f) 10.25 or 10

g) 2.4 or 2  h) 13.15 or 13  i) 24.03 or 24  j) 1.07 or 1  k) 0.66 or 1  l) 0.85 or 1

This week we are going to be concentrating on addition and subtraction.

Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter. No calculators please.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.


a) 39+54  b) 62+49  c) 39+25  d) 57+38

e) 75+45  f) 69+64  g) 125+77  h) 90+49

i) 260+190  j) 390+250  k) 270+360  l) 720+990

m) 3,400+4,300  n) 2,600+2,400  o) 3,900+1,700  p) 7,450+1,950


a) 67-54  b) 54-29  c) 77-58  d) 31-18

e) 70-35  f) 74-55  g) 100-37  h) 190-39

i) 260-190  j) 490-220  k)370-190  l) 620-490

m) 1,900-650  n) 3,700-1,100  o) 7,700-4,900  p) 10,000-2,900

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

Your spelling words for this week are:











Here is Cressida Cowell reading Chapter 19 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Hiccup and Toothless have just saved everyone from certain death but the tribes believe that Toothless is dead and are giving a great viking funeral to the little dragon. Describe this funeral before it is interrupted by Hiccup, Fishlegs and Horrorcow.

Here is some film that might spark your imagination.

I’ve also assigned you some more books in Scholastic Books. Some are shorter but there is one longer novel that I think that you will enjoy.

May is the month of Mary.

In class we would be making a May Altar in honour of Our Lady. One of the things that we would be putting on our class altar would be flowers. Can you find out which flowers are associated with Our Lady? Perhaps you could try to find or draw some at home that you could use to begin making a May Altar of your own.

As it’s Monday it’s time to get your body moving.

Remember you can still choose another task from your learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


May the fourth be with you!


Mr. McIntosh


Primary 6 – Friday 1st May

Good Morning Primary 6,


Yay, It’s Friday!!

Time for a spelling assessment.

Here are your spelling words for this week. If you can, have another member of your family read them to you as you write them into your jotter, when you are done correct them using this list.

arrow, narrow, sparrow, yellow, elbow, pillow, window, follow, hollow, borrow, sorrow, burrow, shadow, shallow

For those of you who are feeling confident here is an extended list with some extra words from this week.

growl, known, prowl, show, growth, scowl, clown, slow, blown, brown, throw, crown, shown, down, frown, thrown


Here’s Cressida Cowell reading chapter 18 of, “How to Train your Dragon.”

Toothless has shown extraordinary bravery. Why? Make a list of the possible reasons for Toothless to behave so out of character. Even Toothless seems surprised by his own actions telling himself that dragons are selfish even while he is flying up The Green Death’s nose.



Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions:

Example :- 3.48256 = 3

a) 2  b) 4  c) 7

d) 9  e) 5  f) 8

g) 12  h) 12  i) 26

j) 1  k) 28  l) 32

Today I would like you to use what you have learned about rounding this week while doing some division. Don’t worry though you can use a calculator for all of these sums, it’s just the rounding that you will need to do yourself.

Write down the answers to these division sums and then round them to the nearest whole number.

Example: 34 ÷ 7= 4.857  rounded to 5

a) 30 ÷ 7  b) 45 ÷ 6  c ) 78 ÷ 15  d) 104 ÷ 27  e) 215 ÷ 46  f) 400 ÷ 39

g) 840 ÷ 350  h) 1000 ÷ 76  i) 2500 ÷ 104  j) 15 ÷ 14  k) 0.2 ÷ 0.3  l) 85.6 ÷ 100

Yesterday I asked you to look at some statements and decide if the situations were fair or unfair in your opinion. Today I would like you to look at statements and decide if your behaviour is fair or unfair.

a) You are punished for breaking the rules but you’re not given a chance to talk your way out of it.

This is …….

b) You see someone else breaking the rules so you break them too.

This is …….

c) You want a bit of fruit bar so you try to cut a deal using your chocolate bar.

This is …….

d) You are being so annoying that someone gets furious and yells loudly at you.

This is …….

e) You do the wrong thing but you have a plan for how you will talk your way out of it.

This is …….

f) You are working with someone else to pack up 25 chairs. You pack up 5 chairs and they pack up 20.

This is …….

g) A friend shares their fruit bar with you so you share the bar of chocolate you don’t want with them.

This is …….

h) Everyone else is working but you are talking.

This is …….

i) You are working with someone else to pack up 25 chairs. You pack up 15 chairs and they pack up 10.

This is …….

j) A few people in class are talking when they should be working and you are talking too.

This is …….




Today is the first Friday in May and we would have been going to Mass today. You can follow Holy Mass which is being streamed through Facebook (supervised by an adult) by Father Campbell at 10am on weekdays.

Remember you can still choose another task from your learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

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