Health and Wellbeing Week Monday 15th June – Friday 19th June

Good Morning everyone and welcome to a new and exciting week!

This is a busy week as we have nominated Wednesday 17th June to be our first ever…

‘Welcome Wednesday!’

On Wednesday we will launch a new webpage dedicated to the  Primary 1 children who will be joining us in August. Normally we would have undertaken a range of activities in school with the children and their parents but this year we have created a series of video messages and powerpoints to welcome our new families. Make sure that you have a look on Wednesday as the current Primary 1 and Primary 6 children have been really very busy!

Health and Wellbeing

This week is Health and Wellbeing Week and there will be lots of activities for the children to enjoy both indoors and out.

Normally in June, we celebrate Health Week and we take part in lots of different activities. It is important that we keep our minds focused and positive during these difficult times and two great ways of doing that are by exercising and eating healthily.

This week I would like you to complete activities from the Keeping Healthy grid at the bottom of this page.  On this grid you will find a range of activities for the Shanarri Indicators: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.  As well as HWB activities that you will be working on this week, I would like you to complete the RE activities which will be uploaded daily.

I would also like you to keep a record of the exercise that you complete (exercise logs below).  It’s recommended that children between the ages of 5-17 complete at least 60 minutes of exercise per day. There are different ways of exercising. You might go walking, running, play football, dance, play outdoor games or do some yoga. These are just some of the ways in which you can complete your daily exercise and stay active. I am sure you can think of lots more or take some ideas from the Keeping Healthy grid below.

Another way to help keep us feeling positive is to eat healthily. Why is it important to eat healthily? Imagine your body was a fancy sports car. What kind of petrol would you put in it? Would you give it the best petrol you could buy or whatever you could find? Your body is like a sports car. When you give your body healthy food every day, you have lots of energy. Your body also grows and becomes strong. If you give your body unhealthy food, it won’t work as well.
You might have less energy or get sick more often.

But how do we know what foods are healthy and what foods are not? Well, a healthy eating guide for the UK was developed. It is called the Eatwell Guide and can be found below.  You can use this Eatwell Guide when completing healthy tasks from the Keeping Healthy grid below.  Please find below other tasks you may need from the grid too.

Keeping Healthy Grid

Exercise Log


UNCRC Articles

Have a fun filled week boys and girls and I hope you enjoy all the tasks on the grid.  Please remember we want to see your pictures!  If you can please tweet us @St_BarbarasPS or send pictures to your teacher’s glow account.





Primary 6 – Friday 5th June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Friday, are you all prepared for Goldentime this afternoon?

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1. 3,500-1,340 = 2,160-1,872 = 288 more stickers needed
  2. 12,840-8,570 = 4,270+20,320 = 24,590 loaves at the end of the day
  3. Change everything to pence,  138p+85p = 223p for both packets,  500p-223p = 277p or £2.77 change
  4. Change everything to ml, 30000ml+1250ml = 31,250ml,  50000ml-31,250ml = 18,750ml or 18.75l to refill the tank.
  5. 1,279 people -1,020 children = 277people -45 teachers = 232 parents left
  6. Change everything to pence,  575p-255p = 320p-75p = 245p or £2.45 left to save.
  7. 5,230-3,265 = 1,965-899 = 1,066 comics left
  8. £206,399-£96,250 = £110,149+£12,599 = £122,748 spent
  9. 630,242+439,242+1,320,942 = 2,390,426 people
  10. 466,209+316,819 = 783,028-181,201= 601,827 people after half time

Here are your questions for today.

  1. Jane wins £802,649 on the lottery one week and £100,876 on a scratch card the following week. She shares the winnings equally between her 3 children. How much money do they get each?
  2. Jae had £467,330. He went shopping and spent £126,309. If he got another £366,892 for his allowance, how much money does he have now?
  3. Scott bought twenty four bags of sweets with eighty six pieces in each one. He plans to divide all the sweets evenly among eight friends. How many sweets will they each get?
  4. The Headmaster is taking all of a secondary school on a trip to Alton Towers. There will be 1836 children and 264 teachers going along. How many 5-seater cars will he need to use?
  5. Filbert was playing a video game and had a score of 200,000. In a hard part of the game he lost 106,848 points. If he got 329,404 more points in the next level, how many points would he have?
  6. The school ordered 1,230,868 fish fingers and 2,416,092 chips for a very hungry school. But, if 832,909 chips and 355,712 fish fingers did not get eaten. How many extra fish fingers and chips did the school end up with?
  7. Joe loved Lego. He had 576,175 Lego bricks before selling 216,175 of them. He split the remaining bricks equally into 8 boxes. How many bricks were in each box?
  8. A salesman bought a case of 48 backpacks for £576. He sold 17 of them for £18 to friends, and the rest were sold to a shop for £47 each. How much was the salesman’s profit?
  9. Bristol zoo recorded its visitors over a four week period. In the first week there were 430,242 visitors. In the second, 639,242 people visited the zoo. In the third and fourth week, a combined total of 1,620,942 people visited the zoo. How many people visited the zoo in the four week period?
  10. Bruce Wayne invited 4,400 friends to a birthday party, but 2,842 couldn’t come. If he wanted to buy enough Irn-Bru so each person could have exactly 3 bottle each, how many should he buy?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these later today or you can send me your answers at:

A special North Lanarkshire Sumdog competition begins today. We qualified last time and finished 40th overall thanks to amazing performances by Dylan, Safeia, Olivia D, Harris, Olivia C, Niall and Shay. They were our only class members who completed the competition.

More people in our class took part than in any other class but because only 7 of us finished 4 other classes finished higher than we did on the Leaderboard.

Primary 1b beat us by 5 places!

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

It’s the day of your spelling test. Give this list of words to someone in your family and ask them to test your knowledge.

musician, spacious, financial, optician, official, sufficient, facial, gracious, tactician, electrician

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

I’ve now received buddy letters back from most of the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Submarine Answers

Grizzly Answers

Man comprehension

Today I want to give you a writing task. I’m going to give you some headlines from local newspapers. I want you to pick one and write the article that accompanied them:

Local Police Hunt Seagull Thief

Missing Chair Found Up Tree

Police Close Pub After Domino Riot

Fury Erupts Over Noisy Gate

Dream Wedding Ruined by Angry Duck

Cursed Toilet Strikes Again

‘Hooligan’ Granny Terrifies Sailors


As today would have been our final First Friday Mass of the school year I would like you to follow Father Campbell’s mass at 10.00 am on Facebook (with an adult’s permission).

Remember to have your SSP (Special Sneaky Playtime).  Hopefully the sun will be shining.


Let’s get active with some more Yoga practice.  Remember all the good advice Mrs McFall gave on Monday!  Enjoy and make sure you drink plenty.

Well done – we have definitely kept our bodies well looked after this week! 👏👏

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Thursday 4th June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Thursday, the week is nearly over.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1. 6,470,920-2,847,936 = 3,622,984
  2. 12,825,087-8,596,729 = 4,228,358
  3. 26,444,561-8,823,000 = 17,621,561
  4. 36,570,818+11,630,999 =48,201,817
  5. £96,832,790-£12,670,889 = £84,161,901
  6. 20,000,000+12,530,547 =32,530,547
  7. £11,068,086-£6,500,990 = £4,567,096
  8. The smallest 8-digit whole number is 10,000,000 and the greatest 7-digit whole number is 9,999,999. The difference between them is 1.
  9. $357,115,007-$257,698,183 = $99,416,824
  10.  1,000,000÷20,000 = 50 (the same as 100÷2),         50x£25 = £1,250

Here are your questions for today.

  1. Alice is trying to complete a sticker book. It needs 3,500 stickers overall. She has 1,340 in the book and a further 1,872 ready to stick in. How many more stickers will she need?
  2. A supermarket has 12,840 loaves of bread at the start of the day. During the day, 8,570 loaves are sold and a further 20,320 loaves are delivered. How many loaves of bread are there at the end of the day?
  3. In a garden centre, rose seeds cost £1.38, lily seeds cost £1.15 and daffodil seeds cost 85p. Jan buys a packet of rose seeds and a packet of daffodil seeds. How much change does she get from a £5 note?
  4. Barry has 50 litres of fuel in his car and his petrol tank is full. On a journey to Wales, he uses 30 litres of fuel. On a journey to the shop, he used 1,250ml of fuel. How much fuel will he have to put back in to fill the tank?
  5. On a school trip 1,279 people visit a museum. There are 1,020 children and 45 teachers. How many parents are there?
  6. In a week Josh saves £5.75. On Monday, he has £2.55 and on Wednesday his mum gives him 75p. How much does he save the rest of the week?
  7. Charles has 5230 comics. He lends 3265 to Jim and 899 to Ryan. How many does he have left?
  8. A car costs £206,399. In the sale, it has £96,250 off. Harry buys the car and a new Rolex watch that costs £12,599. How much does he spend in total?
  9. Bristol zoo recorded its visitors over a four week period. In the first week there were 630,242 visitors. In the second, 439,242 people visited the zoo. In the third and fourth week, a combined total of 1,320,942 people visited the zoo. How many people visited the zoo in the four week period?
  10. At the start of a football match there were 466,209 people watching on TV. After kick off, another 316,819 viewers tuned in to watch the game. However, at half time 181,201 viewers stopped watching the match. How many viewers were still watching the match after half time?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

List these words alphabetically

musician, spacious, financial, optician, official, sufficient, facial, gracious, tactician, electrician

Then write a short sentence which explains each of their meanings.

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

I’ve now received buddy letters back from most of the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Cushion Answers

Harry Answers

Carve Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Submarine comprehension

Grizzly comprehension

Man comprehension


As we know things just now are very different from what we are used to.  By now our new Primary 1 children would have been in to visit the school but, like you, they have not been able to come in for their visits.  We are thinking that it would be a lovely idea for you to say a little prayer for them.  In order to make them feel welcome to our school in August, I would like you to choose the word for your stage below, write/colour it on a sheet of paper, hold it up and ask an adult to take a picture of you holding your word with a big smile and if it is possible you could wear your uniform.  Please email your picture to . We will use these to make our Primary 1’s feel very welcome to our school.

A    Great   Big      Welcome     To     St.     Barbara’s!

Primary 1 – A; Primary 5 – Great; Primary 4 – Big; Primary 6 – Welcome; Primary 2 – To; PRIMARY 3 – St. (remember the dot); Primary 7 – Barbara’s!

Do you remember our Easter Message?

We still miss you lots!!


We we’re talking yesterday about how important it is to look after our bodies. Drinking plenty especially during exercise and warm weather to keep us hydrated.  Our bodies are amazing things.

Here is a little activity to keep you busy and at the same time learn about all of the parts that make up ‘US’!!

Have you got a roll of wallpaper lying around or if you have been receiving lots of packages (did you know all our posties are busier than their busiest time of the year, Christmas!) during lockdown and have cardboard boxes around I want you to lie them flat on the ground and get someone in your house to draw round you.  (The weather’s not looking that good today but should be dry so even do this task outside)

Here we have our template!!  Can you label and identify as many parts of the human body, all the organs?  See if you can have a good guess at where they are located.  Our heart 💓 Should be easy, what about our lungs, liver etc.  Try to see how many you can find.  You could even put your artistic talents to good use and draw them in.

Remember to email your marvellous pictures to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Wednesday 3rd June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Wednesday, the day after the day it was yesterday and the day before the day it will be tomorrow. Everyone got that?

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1.  632,649-282,519 = 350,130 photos
  2.  438,670+234,548 = 673,218
  3.  406,938-366,264 = 40,674m
  4.  620,784-481,930 = 138,854
  5. 1,470,306+1,742,465 = 1,212,771
  6. 1,452,602+2,896,289 = 4,348,891
  7. 1,180,205-209,890 = 970,315
  8. 3,548,205+1,709,878+11 = 5,258,094 animals
  9.  4,332,892+3,769,247 = 8,102,139
  10. 3,882,675+9,920,249 = 13,802,924

Here are your questions for today.

  1. In 2011 there were 6,470,920 visitors to a theme park. In 2012 the number of visitors declined by 2,847,936. How many visitors were there in 2012?
  2. Reduce 12,825,087 by 8,596,729.
  3. In 1955, Tokyo, Japan had an estimated population of 8,823,000. In 2010, the estimated population was 26,444,561. How many more people lived in Tokyo in 2010 than in 1955?
  4. There are 36,570,818 video DVDs in the Netflix factory. 11,630,999 are audio DVDs. Find the total number of DVDs in the Netflix factory.
  5. Clara withdrew £12,670,889 from her account in order to buy a lot of shoes. The initial amount in her account was £96,832,790. Find the balance left after the withdrawal.
  6. Cathy scored 20,000,000 points on level 2 in a video game. She then scored 12,530,547 points on level 3. How many points did she score in level 2 and 3?
  7. Ben bought a Bugatti Veyron for £11,068,086. The estimated value of the car after 5 years is £6,500,990. If he sells the car after 5 years, how much less money would she have?
  8. What is the difference between the smallest 8-digit whole number and the greatest 7-digit whole number?
  9. Avengers: Infinite War made $257,698,183 in its opening weekend in the US. Avengers: Endgame made $357,115,007. How much more did Endgame make than Infinite War?
  10. 20,000 YouTube views a day will earn you about £25. If the video of your gran doing the worm went viral and hit 1,000,000 views in a day how much money would you actually make?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter and split them into syllables. The first one is done for you.

musician = mu-si-cian










I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about three quarters the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Giant Answers

Throw Answers

Bear Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Cushion comprehension

Harry comprehension

Carve comprehension


Over the course of the last few days we have been learning about the importance of Pentecost. It has shown us how important the feast is in the church’s year.

There are a few activities below which you can complete to reinforce what you have learned about The Feast of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.  You can choose to do one activity or why not complete it together with your siblings.

pentecost – story

pentecost – word search

When you have finished your activities, take a few minutes to pray together with your family.  I have attached a lovely hymn that you could sing together to finish off your Pentecost work for today.


I hope you enjoyed your Slushies yesterday!! We just managed to get them made in the warm weather as today is to be a bit cooler.

YOGA 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️

We are going to follow a little Yoga session that Mrs McFall (Daniel and Luke’s mum) has kindly allowed us to share on the Blog.

Below is a great Yoga workout that you can do along with an adult or your siblings.  You can also have your favourite ted join in too.

Yoga is a great skill helping you learn the importance of how you breath which in turn helps us relax and sleep well.  (Parents: Mrs McFall recommends that you allow your child to go with the flow and, if you are able to accompany them doing the video, ask them similar questions).  Remember with any exercise we should remember to drink plenty to keep us hydrated, looking after our bodies!!

Once again a great big thank you to Mrs McFall and Luke. 👏👏

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Tuesday 2nd June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Tuesday, But you probably already knew that.

What you may not know is that we have been watching, ‘Mi Vida Loca’ on a Tuesday  but in Spain Tuesday is considered an unlucky day, especially Tuesday the 13th


Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

  1. 17x48p = 816p ,  2×52 = 624p,  816+624 = 1440p or £14.40
  2. Change everything to pence. 435p-75p = 360p,  360p÷3p = 120 pages
  3. 3000÷60 = 50 portions of rice
  4.  2000x£2.30 = £4,600,  700x£2.30 = £1,610,  50x£2.30= £115,  3x£2.30 = £6.90,  £4,600+£1,610+£115+£6.90 = £6,331.90
  5.  Change it all to pence,  61295p÷65 = 943 programmes
  6. Simplify and remove the decimal points,  4485÷975 = 4.6 or £4.60
  7. 24 cubes÷4 = 6,  6×3(to find ¾) = 18,  so 18 red cubes,  4 blue cubes and 2 green cubes to make 24.
  8.  Try a table, estimate and check

    Bags of Red

    Bags of Green Total
    1 1

    75+90 = 165p or £1.65



    150+180 = 330p or £3.30



    225+270 = 495p or £4.95

    (75p too much)

    2 3

    150+270 = 420p or £4.20

  9.  100x50p = 5000p or £50,  80x30p = 2400p or £24,  £80+£24 = £104
  10.  40%+15% = 55% leaving 45% still to visit,  45% of 250,000 is 250,000÷100 = 2,500×45 = 112,500 people
  11.  There are 5 blocks of 200g in 1kg, so divide by 5,  £7.50÷5 = £1.50
  12.  There are 4 stacks of 90p in £3.60 so she buys ¼ of a kilogram or 250g
  13.  Try a table, estimate and check
    Buy Lunch Packed Lunch




    £25+£75 = £100



    £50+£60 = £110

  14.  Change everything to grams and divide, 1500g÷30 or 150÷3 (the answer is the same) = 50 days
  15.  8x6g of fibre = 48g of fibre in an 800g loaf,  48g÷20 = 2.4g of fibre in each slice
  16.  Weight of matches = 45g-23g = 22g,  one match weighs 22g÷220 = 0.1g
  17.  Total cost of the journey is 114x£1.36 = £155.04,  cost for each person is £155.04÷8 = £19.38
  18. 35 apple trees cost 35x£24.75 = £866.25,  money left = £1200-£866.25 = £333.75,  £333.75÷12.50 = 26.7 so he can buy 26 pear trees but not 27
  19. £40÷4.25 = 9.41,  so they can buy 9 yo-yos,  9 yo-yos cost 9x£4.25 = £38.25,  they have 75p left
  20. If a quarter of the class are boys then three quarters are girls, so 18 is ¾, that means 6 is ¼. There are 6 boys in the class

How did you get on? They were a proper nightmare weren’t they. Today were going to go a little easier.

  1. Mr Gifford has 282,519 photos on his camera. His sister has 632,649. How many more photos does Mr Gifford’s sister have?
  2. Samantha has 438,670 DVDs in her collection. Tara has 234,548. How many DVDs do they have together?
  3. In an endurance race, George ran 366,264m. The winner ran 406,938m. How much further was the winning distance?
  4. Sam the giant ate 481,930 people. His dad ate 620,784 people. How many more people did his dad eat?
  5. In January, 1,470,306 people visit the swimming pool. In June the number of visitors increases by 1,742,465. How many people visit in June?
  6. On Monday, one million, four hundred and fifty two thousand six hundred and two people watched a football match on TV. On Wednesday, two million, eight hundred and ninety six thousand two hundred and eighty nine people watched a football match on TV. How many people watched the two games?
  7. A brand new Ferrari costs £1,180,205. In the sale, the price is reduced by £209,890. What is the new price of the Ferrari?
  8. A farm in Australia has 3,548,205 sheep, 1,709,878 cows and 11 dogs. How many animals are there in total?
  9. What is the sum of 4,332,892 and 3,769,247?
  10. There are 3,882,675 West Ham fans in the world and 9,920,249 Liverpool supporters in the world. What is the total number of West Ham and Liverpool fans in the world?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter adding the missing letters

music – mus—–

space  – spa—–

finance  – finan—-

opti-  – opti—-

office  – offi—-

suffi–  – sufficient

face  – fa—-

grace  – gra—–

tactic  – tacti—-

electric  – electri—-

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about three quarters the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Swine Answers

Secret Sense Answers

Manga Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Giant comprehension

Throw comprehension

Bear comprehension


The Feast of Pentecost is a very important celebration in the Church’s year and watching the short clip below will give you a snapshot of the importance of this great celebration.

The Feast of Pentecost is seen as the Birthday of the Church.

The Holy Spirit came to the disciples not only as a reminder that Jesus would always be with them but so that they received the strength and courage to continue to build God’s kingdom, not only in Jerusalem but to ensure it reached the ends of the earth.  In John’s Gospel on Sunday we heard not only about Jesus’ word but about Jesus’ action, “he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit”.  Jesus’ breath gives new life, eternal life into the disciples, giving them the courage to go out and spread the word by being given special gifts. Jesus gave them the gift of speaking different languages to be able to carry out his work all over the world.

The Holy Spirit came to us in the Sacrament of Baptism and will or has come again to us in the  Sacrament of Confirmation.  Talk to an adult about your Baptism/Confirmation(if you have made it yet).  Think about all the wonderful gifts God has given us and give thanks to the Lord for all that we have to be glad of.  Just like the disciples we give thanks to the Lord of all the gifts he has given us.  We are so grateful to God for always being with us.


With the hot weather that hopefully we have all been enjoying we are going to look at ways to help us stay hydrated.  We know that we need to drink plenty of water and ensure we do that more frequently during hot days.

Another great way to enjoy the hot weather is with a lovely cool Slushie!!

Yum Yum.  Below there is a great recipe, with a little bit of science thrown in, that lets you make a slush with your hands!! Yip that is right you don’t need a fancy NutriBullet or a blender, just your hands.  So here goes :

Instructions to make a cool mouth-watering smoothie!!

  • Place one cup of your chosen juice into a small Ziploc bag and zip tight.
  • Place 4 cups of ice and half a cup of salt into a large Ziploc bag along with the juice bag and zip that tight too.
  • Shake the large bag over the sink or outside for 2-5 minutes or until the juice bag turns to slush.
  • Pour into a cup and enjoy!!

If you have your own recipe/method for making a Slushie please email this along with a picture of your Slushie to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Time for, ‘Mi Vida Loca’

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Monday 1st June

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Monday, the beginning of a new week and of a new month.

Magnus was beating me at Connect 4 during Goldentime on Friday, but I accidentally knocked over the game before we could finish. So sad. 😢😂😢

June is important for a lot of reasons. It’s the middle of the year which means that 2020 is nearly half over already and the name ‘June’ may come from the latin word ‘iuniores’, meaning ‘younger ones’, like you.

Just think a whole month devoted to young people. Those Romans were pretty great (apart from all the slavery and murder and persecution and conquest and stuff).



Here are the answers to Friday’s maths questions.

a) 475 tickets

b) 25 shelves

c) 12x£9,800 = £117,600

£150,000-£117,600 = £32,400

If they sell 3 more cars then I estimate that they will make £27-£30,000 (3×9 = 27 plus the hundreds)

So, they need to sell 4 more cars to meet their target.

d) 8x30p = 240p or £2.40

£2.40-£1.92 = £0.48 or 48p.

It is 48p cheaper to buy kiwi fruit by the pack.

e) The product of 19 and 3.6 is: 19×3.6 = 68.4.

The sum of 2.87 and 3.5 is: 2.87+3.5 = 6.37

The difference between the two is: 68.4-6.37 = 62.03

f) 18×29 = 522

1000-522 = 478 stickers left

g) 2x£1.29= £2.58

£2.58+£8.95 = £11.17

£12.50-11.17 = £1.33

h) 1440÷12 = 120 packs

120x72p = 8,640p or £86.40

i)17×364 = 6188

6188+28 = 6,216 biscuits

j) Change it all to ml.

2,500ml-567ml = 1,933

1,933ml-650ml = 1,283ml or 1.283 litres

We’ve been doing questions like this for a while and it’s time for a proper workout.

  1. Mr Todd buys 17 drinks at 48p each and 12 drinks at 52p each. What is the total cost of the 29 drinks?
  2. A printing shop charges 3p per page and 75p for the cover. John pays £4.35 for his book, including the cover. How many pages are in his book?
  3. There are 60g of rice in one portion. How many portions are there in a 3kg bag of rice?
  4. 2753 people go to a sports event. Each person pays £2.30 for a ticket. What is the total amount of ticket money collected?
  5. Programmes cost 65p each. The total money from the programme sales is £612.95. How many programme are sold?
  6. Samira bought a present in France. She paid 44.85 French Francs for it. 9.75 French Francs equal £1. What was the cost of the present in pounds and pence?
  7. There are 24 coloured cubes in a box. Three quarters of the cubes are red, four of the cubes are blue and the rest are green. How many green cube are in the box?
  8. A shop sells 6 green apples for 75p and 10 red apples for 90p. Jason bought some bags of green apples and some bags of red apples. He spent £4.20. How many bags of each type of apples did he buy?
  9. A car boot sale charges an entrance fee of 50p for adults and 30p for children. 100 adults and 80 children pay to go in. How much money do they pay altogether?
  10. 250,000 people visited a theme park in one year. 15% of the people visited in April and 40% of the people visited in August. How many people visited the park in the rest of the year?
  11. Cheddar cheese costs £7.50 for 1kg. Marie buys 200 grams of cheddar cheese. How much does she pay?
  12. Cream cheese costs £3.60 for 1kg. Robbie buys a pot of cream cheese for 90p. How many grams of cream cheese does he buy?
  13. 30 children are going on a trip. It costs £5 including lunch. Some children take their own packed lunch. They pay only £3. The 30 children pay a total of £110. How many children are taking their own packed lunch?
  14. A packet contains 1.5 kilograms of guinea pig food. Remi feeds her guinea pig 30 grams of food each day. How many days does the packet of food last?
  15. Every 100g of brown bread contains 6g of fibre. A loaf of bread weights 800g and has 20 equal slices. How much fibre is there in one slice?
  16. A box contains 220 matches and weights 45 grams. The empty box weights 23 grams. Calculate the weight of one match.
  17. The cost for using a minibus is £1.36 for each kilometre. 8 friends go on a 114 kilometre journey. How much does each person pay?
  18. A farmer has £1200 to buy apple trees and pear trees. Apple trees cost £24.75 each. Pear trees cost £12.50 each. He buys 35 apple trees. How many pear trees can he buy with the money he has left?
  19. A school buys some yo-yos as prizes. The yo-yos cost £4.25 each. The school has £40 to spend on prizes. They buy as many yo-yos as they cab. How much money is left?
  20. In a class, 18 of the children are girls. A quarter of the children in the class are boys. Altogether, how many children are there in the class?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:

For spelling this week I want to look at another spelling rule.

The sound ‘sh’ represented by ‘ci’.

Some words use ‘ti’ to make ‘sh’. Words like station, nation or education.

When a longer word is formed from a root word, however, the ‘sh’ sound is represented by ‘ci’.

Copy these words into your jotter and practise them in any way that you choose:

music – musician

space – spacious

finance – financial

optic – optician

office – official

suffice – sufficient

face – facial

grace – gracious

tactic – tactician

electric – electrician

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

On Thursday and Friday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1’s.

I’ve now received letters back from about half the class.  If you haven’t sent me your’s yet, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to the announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Swine comprehension

Secret Sense comprehension

Manga comprehension


The Feast of Pentecost – 31 May 2020

“They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak”

“When Pentecost day came round, they had all met in one room, when suddenly they heard what sounded like a powerful wind from heaven, the noise of which filled the entire house in which they were sitting; and something appeared to them that seemed like tongues of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak foreign languages as the Spirit gave them the gift of speech.”

The Feast of Pentecost brings to an end the Season of Easter and falls 50 days after Easter Sunday.  Pentecost celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  As we heard in the first reading of how the disciples were all together and how they were afraid now that Jesus had left them.  On this day they were given the gift of speaking many different languages so that they could travel far and wide to spread the good news.

We learn that God is always here for us, we just need to ask him for help if we are afraid, worried or feeling lonely.  He will answer our prayer and help us.  Especially in these times when we are feeling sad about not seeing our friends and families like we use to.  God will be by our sides to guide us through to better times.

Above you will see an image of Pentecost.  There are important symbols that are associated with Pentecost – we can read about them in the extract above from the Acts of the Apostles.   We also saw Father Campbell in his red vestments when watching Mass yesterday.

For today’s task I would like you to design your own Pentecost poster incorporating some of the important symbols of Pentecost.  This poster will remind us that the Holy Spirit is with us in everything we do. Please email your poster to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Over the weekend hopefully we were all able to go visit a member of our family!  This has been something we have taken for granted all of our lives (as we probably did this every weekend or more).  From Friday onward this has been a very special time for many.  Hopefully your family don’t live too far away and you have been able to spend some time with them.  It must have been a great feeling to spend time, in our gardens, with loved ones.

How it has lifted all our spirits and given us such a positive boast.  If you were able to visit someone you have not seen during Lockdown you will know this feeling.  Hopefully it won’t be too much longer until we can see all of our family.

Today is also a new month/season JUNE begins our three months of SUMMER, can you believe it!! This too should make us feel more positive as hopefully we have lovely weather.

Being positive makes our world a better place and after all the changes that have happened over the last few months,  we will begin to see a brighter, happier, and more POSITIVE future ahead.

I would like you to take the word POSITIVE and write an acrostic poem.  (Remember you take the word POSITIVE and in large letters you write it down the left-hand side of your page and then write a word/sentence that begins with each letter of POSITIVE).

Here is an example for the word Welcome to let you see how your poem should look.


You can email your poem to or upload it onto Twitter with an adult’s permission.

Now to keep that positive vibe going let’s try a little Zumba.

Remember to have plenty of drinks throughout the day.  It’s going to be another hot day and we need to stay hydrated!!  Watch out for tomorrow’s post to give you another idea for keeping hydrated!!

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Friday 29th May

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Friday! The end of another week. Did you lose any Golden time this week?

I didn’t and so I will be playing Connect 4 with Magnus this afternoon until it looks like I’m about to win and he knocks the game over “accidentally.”

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 671 seats

b) £375.09

c) £117,600

c) £7.92

d) 68.4

e) 522 stickers

f) £2.26

g) 7 bags

h) 6,205 biscuits (he will also be exceptionally unhealthy)

i) 900 ml or 0.9 l

Today’s maths questions should seem familiar. They are almost the same as yesterday’s but they have been made harder by adding a little twist to each calculation. See how you get on.

a) A theatre sells 467 tickets for a matinee performance. A school group then books a further 118 tickets. If the theatre holds 1060 people, how many places are left unsold?

b) The school buys 820 new books, which are put onto new bookshelves. If there are 34 books on each shelf, how many shelves must Mr Baldwin put up?

c) A car salesroom has a sales target of £150,000. They sell 12 cars for £9,800 each. How many more cars do they need to sell to meet their target?

d) Jade’s mum buys a pack of 8 kiwi fruit for £1.92. Individual kiwi fruit cost 30p each. How much cheaper is each kiwi fruit by buying in a pack?

e) What is the difference between the product of 19 and 3.6, and the sum of 2.87 and 3.5?

f) Mr Daw gives each child in his class 18 stickers during January. If there are 29 children in Mr Daw’s class, and Mr Daw had a pack of 1000 stickers to start with, how many stickers has Mr Daw left at the end of January?

g) Katie buys two magazines for £1.29 each and spends £8.95 on a CD. If she had £12.50 to start with, how much does she have left?

h) Pencils cost 72p for a pack of 12. In one year, the school has to buy 1440 pencils. How much do they cost altogether?

i) Mr Daw shows limited willpower and eats 17 biscuits every day in 2009, except for Christmas Day when he eats 28. How many biscuits will Mr Daw have eaten by the end of the year?

j) Being healthy, Mrs Wollington buys a 2.5 litre bottle of olive oil. She uses 567ml in one week, then 0.65 litres the next week. How much does she have left in the bottle by the end of the second week?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:


Time for a spelling test.

Here are some of the spelling words and patterns that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Give them to another member of your family and have them test you on your knowledge.

jacket,  packet,  racket,  live,  carve,  blue,  due,  process,  resources,  soldier,  sparrow,  yellow,  elbow,  necessary,  separate,  chocolate,  lightning

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises.

Water Answers

Sleepover Answers

Catch Answers

Yesterday I put up a special announcement about the buddy letters that you should be writing to the new Primary 1s.

I’ve had 6 returned so far. Today I’m setting the buddy letter as your literacy task. If you have already written it and sent it to me, congratulations take a break and enjoy the sun. If you haven’t, now is your time to get it written.

Here is a link to yesterday’s announcement.

Primary 6 – Important Announcement!



We have been learning how Jesus prayed for his friends and for all of us and how he taught his disciples to pray to our Heavenly Father.  We know that saying our prayers is very important.  On the accompanying illustration of Jesus praying, draw pictures or write names in the thought bubble of yourselves and some of the other people Jesus was praying for. You could choose your families and friends, as well as our brothers and sisters throughout the world.


Colour your picture in when you have finished writing in the names of your family and friends.  Now show someone your picture and tell them how much you love them and that you will remember them in your prayers.

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS

It is very important for us to talk about how we are feeling.  It is especially important now as some of you may be worried about the changes we have all had to make in the last few months.  Talking to someone, exercising and relaxing are all great ways to help your health and wellbeing and keep you feeling happy.  Today I would like you to play the lanterns game below where you write down how you are feeling and what has made you feel that way.  You will then see your feeling float up into the sky.

Now we are going to do some Jump Start Jonny to help us get some fun exercise and make us smile!

Click on whichever video you like or do all three!  Magnus’ favourite is “I like to move it.” He doesn’t like to do it himself but he does like to watch me.

Now for some relaxing time.  A great way to relax is by doing yoga. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Why not send us some pictures of you taking part in any of the exercises you have been doing today.  Send to or Tweet @St_BarbarasPS

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Thursday 28th May

Good Morning Primary 6!!

It’s Thursday! Easily the most exciting day of the week. Did you know that Thursday is traditionally the day that toast will land BUTTER SIDE UP!


Although, just like any old myth that I made up, you probably don’t want to test it too much.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 19.2 points

b) 43.2 miles

c) £76.5

d) 18 miles

e) 108 miles

f) 63.2 cm

g) 25.2 miles

h) 7.2 cm

i) 4.2 cm

j) 129.2 cm or 1.292 m

This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) A theatre holds 1060 people. If 389 seats remain unsold on one evening, how many seats have been sold?

b) The school spends £186.20 on fresh fruit during January. In February it spends £188.89. How much has been spent on fruit in total during these two months?

c) A car salesroom sells 12 cars for £9,800 each. How much money have they taken altogether?

c) Jade’s mum buys a pack of 6 kiwi fruit. They cost £1.32. How much does each kiwi fruit cost?

d) What is the product of 19 and 3.6?

e) Mr Daw gives each child in his class 18 stickers during January. If there are 29 children in Mr Daw’s class, how many stickers has Mr Daw given out?

f) Katie spends £1.29 on a magazine and £8.95 on a CD. If she had £12.50 to start with, how much does she have left?

g) Mrs Sherwood puts sweets into bags before the disco. If she puts 14 sweets into each bag, how many bags will be needed to take 196 sweets?

h) Mr Daw shows limited willpower and eats 17 biscuits every day in 2009. (Mrs Mole eats the rest.) How many biscuits will Mr Daw have eaten by the end of the year?

i) Being healthy, Mrs Wollington buys a 2-litre bottle of olive oil. She uses 567ml in one week, then 533 the next week. How much does she have left in the bottle by the end of the second week?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:


This week for spelling it’s time for a roundup.

Here are some of the spelling words and patterns that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Copy them in to your jotter and split them into their syllables. The first one is done for you.

jacket = Jack-et ,  packet,  racket,  live,  carve,  blue,  due,  process,  resources,  soldier,  sparrow,  yellow,  elbow,  necessary,  separate,  chocolate,  lightning

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises.

Axolotl Answers

Colt Answers

Voyage Answers

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.

Water comprehension

Sleepover comprehension

Catch comprehension



When we pray it is important to remember a few simple things.  Prayers can be simple thoughts and words coming straight from the heart.  Sometimes God doesn’t seem to give us what we pray for.  Do not give up praying – keep on talking to God and listening for he knows what is best for you, even if it is not what you expected.  It is also important to remember that we don’t just ask God for things we want.  Remember to praise God and thank him for his goodness, to tell him about ourselves and others and say sorry if we have done wrong.

Why not join in with this hymn Alleluia Alleluia Give Thanks to the Risen Lord below to praise God:

I would like you to write out a short prayer thanking God for all the wonderful things you have in your life.  I have included a template below for you to use or you can design your own.

Prayer Template

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS.

Also as it is Thursday again let’s remember to praise (thank) all NHS workers tonight at 8pm by clapping and making as much noise as you can for them.


We have all been enjoying the lovely sunny weather recently and it has been great to be able to get outside and play.  Even though it is important for everyone to enjoy the sun we have got to remember that it can burn your skin. There are three important steps to stop sunburn:

• Cover up with clothing and a hat
• Spend time in the shade,
• Wear suitable sunscreen and apply it often

In the attached sheet the character in it is out in the sun with no hat!!!  I would like you to design a hat for the character and make sure it offers suitable protection against the sun.

Character Picture

Or if you want to make a more detailed design on your sun hat why not click on the link below.

Design Your Own Sun Hat

Please send us your pictures at or Tweet @St_BarbarasPS

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

Finally, because of Sport’s day on Tuesday, we didn’t get to watch the next episode of ‘Mi Vida Loca’ so here it is:

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Wednesday 27th May

Good Morning Primary 6!!

I hope that you are all quite recovered after yesterday’s sports day exertions.

It’s Wednesday,

This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) Hayden plays 6 Xbox games. He scores 3.2 points in each game. How many points does he score altogether?

b) Olivia runs 5.4 miles every day. If she runs for 8 days, how far does she run?

c) Riley does a sponsored silence. For every hour, he must be silent he raises £8.50. How much will he raise if he stays silent for 9 hours?

d) Miss Huntley walks 3.6 miles to school. How many miles does she walk over 5 days?

e) Miss Huntley decides to walk home as well, so she walks 7.2 miles a day. How many miles does she walk over 15 days?

f) Caitlyn draws a square. Each side is 15.8cm. What is the perimeter of the square?

g) Brandon’s car drives 6.3 miles on one litre of petrol. How many miles will he cover on 4 litres of petrol?

h) Reece’s hair grows 0.8 cm per month. How many cm will his hair grow in 9 months?

i) Alexander measures rainfall over 7 months. The rain fall is 0.6 cm each month. How much rain has fallen over the 7 months?

j) Elvin buys a new pair of shoes with four shoe laces. Each shoe lace is 32.3cm long. How long are all four shoe laces put together?

Remember, decimals make no difference to how you add, subtract, multiply or divide you only have to remember to keep the decimal points above one another, in a straight line.

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these tomorrow or you can send me your answers at:


This week for spelling it’s time for a roundup.

Here are some of the spelling words and patterns that we have looked at over the last few weeks. Copy them into your jotter and begin to practise them ahead of a  spelling test on Friday.

jacket,  packet,  racket,  live,  carve,  blue,  due,  process,  resources,  soldier,  sparrow,  yellow,  elbow,  necessary,  separate,  chocolate,  lightning

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers on tomorrow.

Axolotl Comprehension

Colt Comprehension

Voyage Comprehension



When Jesus needed to feel very close to his Father, what did he do? – He would pray.  Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, before he was betrayed by Judas.  He prayed before he raised Lazarus from the dead and Jesus prayed during the Last Supper, before he broke the bread.  Like us Jesus needed to share his worries and problems with his heavenly Father; he knew that he was never alone.  Just as we are never alone.  God is always with us.

When we pray we are having a conversation with God.  When we talk to God, he listens.  We don’t have to have special times for saying prayers.  Often we say them at bedtime but we can talk to God at any time.  Do you ever feel unsure about what to say to God?  Don’t worry as God our Father likes to hear about everything we have to tell him and he is always ready to listen.

The apostles knew how important it was to pray to God but like us they often felt uncertain about how to pray.  One day they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.  What was the prayer that Jesus taught them? – The Our Father.

Watch this short video about how Jesus taught his disciples the Our Father:


Let’s say the Our Father now.  I have copied the words to help you if you need it.

I would like you to download the picture below if you can and colour it in.  If you can’t download it why not draw a picture like this one.

Please send us a copy of your picture at or Tweet us @St_BarbarasPS.


I hope you enjoyed sport’s day yesterday and had plenty of fun!  I would like you to keep having fun whilst exercising.  Research shows that regular exercise has lots of benefits including:

  • improving fitness
  • increasing concentration
  • building a stronger heart, bones and healthier muscles
  • encouraging healthy growth and development
  • improving posture and balance
  • lowering stress
  • Encouraging a better night’s sleep

Today we are going to have a Wild Workout with Andy.  Andy is off to the Arctic to see what he can find.  Let’s join him and exercise on the way!

Now let’s do a fun dance video with GoNoodle:


Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

Primary 6 – Thursday 21st May

Good morning Primary 6,

It’s Thursday, the English word Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Thursday means Thor’s day in Old English. Thor is represented riding a chariot drawn by goats (They left this bit out of The Avengers) and wielding his hammer . In Latin, Thursday is named ‘Jovis dies’ after the god Jupiter

(The bit they never show you in the movies 🤫)

Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths questions.

a) 316,900+81,971+49,500 = 448,371

b) 15,467-8,769 = 6,698

c) 12,742 km – 6,779 km = 5,963 km

d) 20,000-1,543 = 18,457-2,575 = 15,882-6,543 = 9,339 survived

e) £2,000,000-£455,500 = £1,544,500-£103,500 = £1,441,000-£13,900 = £1,427,100 left


This week we are working on some word problems that involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Calculate the answers to these questions in your jotter.

a) Alisha went on a shopping spree and bought 12 pairs of shoes. Each pair cost £15. How much did she spend?

b) If Riley eats 5 biscuits a day, how many does he eat over 234 days?

c) Mr Burroughs wants to replace the school’s footballs. Each football costs £9 and he wants to order 134. How much will they cost?

d) Emma buys a jar full of 126 sweets. She wants to get enough sweets to last her all year, so she buys another 4 jars. How many sweets are there in all 5 jars?

e) Miss Huntley needs to order some new whiteboard pens. She orders 6 boxes. Each box contains 24 pens. How many pens are ordered?

f) Brandon goes to watch the football 17 times in a month. How many times does he watch the football over 12 months?

g) Ben loves bouncy balls. He has been so good this ½ term that Miss Huntley buys him a packet of 19 balls. Ben goes out to play and bounces each ball 27 times. How many times were the balls bounced altogether?

h) William watches 4 TV programmes every day. How many programmes does he watch over 365 days?

i) Mr Burroughs chooses 11 people to play in a football team. He decides to put together 12 teams throughout the school. How many players does he have altogether?

j) Lewis takes a train to London. Each train carriage can carry 66 passengers. The train has 11 carriages. What is the total number of passengers that the train can carry?

This is not how we would write out sums to find the answer so don’t write them this way in your jotter. Use place value, carrying and decomposition (borrowing) to find your answers.

I’ll post the answers to these later today or you can send me your answers at:

Sumdog are running a special competition for North Lanarkshire schools. We’re in the top 100 and today is the last day.

This week for spelling we’re looking at words which end in ‘et’.

Look carefully at these words.

Copy them in to your jotter and split them into their syllables. The first one is done for you.

gadget – gad-get












Here are the answers to yesterday’s comprehension exercises

Venom Answers

Mummies Answers

Scabs Answers

I’ve assigned you some reading in Scholastic Books.

Here are three new comprehension exercises for today. You can choose to do as many of them as you wish.

I’ll post the answers later today.

Rudy comprehension

Livingstone comprehension

Isadora comprehension



Today is Ascension Thursday!

We have been thinking about loving and caring for others all week and we have tried to follow Jesus’ commandment to, ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’

You have created a Caring Wreath to show that you care and you have learned about how Jesus ascended into heaven forty days after his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Normally on Ascension Thursday we would all be going to Mass. Although we can’t actually go to church today, Bishop Toal is celebrating Mass for all of the children of the Diocese of Motherwell at 11am. 

This Mass is being streamed on Facebook so you will need an adult’s permission to watch this:

Father Campbell is also celebrating Mass on St. Barbara’s Parish website at 10am.

With an adult’s permission, please select a Mass to follow.

You might also like to watch the clip below. You can join in if you like.


It’s the last day before the holiday weekend and before Sports’ Day on Tuesday!!!

For some of today’s activities you need dice or you can make some (see below).

Select one or more of the following to do today:


Look out for news about Sports’ Day activities!

Remember you can still choose another task from your updated learning grid and there are other tasks on Sumdog, StudyLadder, FirstNews and Scholastic Books.

You can email me any of your work at:


Mr. McIntosh

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