Health Week 2016

What a fun and active week it has been!

The whole school and nursery  have been busy in a range of different health activities this week.

On Monday we were introduced to Health Week with a whole school assembly. Then Miss Tiffney worked with all of the classes to cover some aspects of HeartStart.

On Tuesday we had the Co-op visit for a fruit taster session as well as some of the classes participating in making their own healthy recipes.


On Wednesday there was an opportunity for everyone to experience circus skills and smoothie tasting thanks to Ian.


On Thursday everyone enjoyed participating in an Olympic Session run by Graeme.

The Paramedics came in the afternoon and worked with P3 upwards.

In addition each class aimed to complete a daily mile – some of the classes did this together.

It has been a really busy but fun week for everyone involved.

A big thank you to everyone who visited our school and made this week a great success.

An even bigger thank you to Miss Tiffney for organising everything.

Sky Academy Visit

Today thirty-four Primary 6 and Primary 7 pupils went on a visit to the Sky Academy in Livingston. They had the opportunity to produce a news report.

The report was based on Recycling – which has been a focus of our learning in class.

The children were split into groups and each assigned roles such as editor, reporter, producer, screen writer. They then worked together in their groups on a section of the report.
Group 1 – introduction,anchor
Group 2 – roving reporters
Group 3 – eye witness
Group 4 – interviews
After they had worked together in their groups to produce their own part of the report, all parts were then combined to produce the final piece..

The kids had a fantastic day and a wonderful opportunity to experience how a news report is made. Some of the comments were …

Miller – “It was a good experience!”
Aidan – “It was fun finding out about how the cameras work!”
Hayley – “It was awesome the equipment we got to use!”
Lewis – “Loves the technology!”


Micro-Tyco – the final amount.

It has unfortunately come to the end of Micro-Tyco.

Primary 5/6 & 6/7 have truly enjoyed this lovely project.

We have made the staggering amount of…


Everybody has helped us. Thank you for all of your support!

All of this money goes to childrens’ charities through micro-tyco!

In memorial of this months challenge, here are some pictures of the pupils working hard and their creations:

Eco Week Assembly

On Friday the 26th of February 2016, P5/6 & 6/7 are going to hold a class assembly at 9.30am.

Parents and Carers are welcome to come along and watch the show.

The pupils in P5/6 & 6/7 have been working very hard.

P5/6 & 6/7 have been participating in Micro-Tyco.

We would like to thank you for the support at our jumble sale.

We have made a lot of money which makes a big difference.

During this week we aim to make more!

One lunchtime we sold paper aeroplanes. It was really successful! We are going to sell them again one lunchtime this week. They are only 30p!

We are organising another Recycled Boot Sale after our assembly so be sure to come and have a look!

We still have amazing goods and books left for you to buy!

Remember, world book day is just around the corner!

As a bonus, we are holding a guess the teddy bear’s name competition. Only one pupil will win. It is a raffle and you have to try and guess the teddy bear’s name.

It’s only 50p a guess! The winner gets a wonderful teddy and an Easter Egg!

All money goes to charity! So while you have fun you are also helping others in need!

We will also announce the winner at assembly.

This week each pupil is being given the opportunity to design an Eco related poster.

There will be three winners – One for p1/2 and P2

One for p3 and p4/5

One for p5/6 and p6/7

We look forward to seeing all of you at our sales!

Please come along, relax and enjoy our assembly!

Watch this space for more information…

What’s on Week Beginning Monday 22nd February 2016

This week’s lunch menu:

Fairtrade/Eco Week

This week the whole school will be focussing on Fairtrade and Eco activities, organised by P6/7 and P5/6.  Children will be outdoors at times throughout the week, helping to tidy the school grounds.  Suitable footwear and jackets should be worn every day.

The week will be concluded by P5/6 and 6/7’s class assembly which parents/relatives of children in these classes are invited to attend.

Monday 22nd February 2016 

  • Miss Penrice a third year teaching student from the University of West of Scotland begins a six week placement in Primary 2 today.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-6 Fun Fitness After School Club with S6 Sports Leaders – PE kit and water required.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm: P4-7 Arts and Crafts Club with Mrs. McGurk.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Rugby Club with Active Schools Coach – Outdoors PE kit and water required.

Tuesday 23rd February 2016 

  • 11.30am-12pm:  P5 Kodaly Music Lesson.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Dance After School Club with S6 Sports Leaders – PE kit and water required.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Cross Country Running Club with Mr. Clark – Outdoors PE kit and water required.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Science Club with Mrs. Robert (Outdoors)

Wednesday 24th February 2016

  • 9.30am-10.15am:  Celebrating Success Assembly.
  • 1.30pm:  Miss Law working with P2 for the Roots of Empathy programme.

Thursday 25th February 2016 

  • 9.15am-11.15am:  Primary 5 Swimming Block Week 10 – PE and Swimming Kit required.
  • 9.30am-10.30am: Three members of Community Learning and Development Staff visiting to meet with Mr. Clark as part of Raising Attainment Challenge.
  • 10.00am-11.30am: Cross-Country runners competing in tournament at Shotts Community Centre.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P4-7 Football After School club led Active Schools Coach – PE kit and water required.
  • 3.00pm-4.15pm:  P1-3 Arts and Crafts Club led by Miss Thomson.

Friday 26th February 2016

  • Non-uniform day. £1 per pupil goes to our School Improvement Fund.
  • 9.30am-10.30am:  P6/7 and P5/6 assembly.  Parents/Relatives of pupils in these classes welcome to attend.
  • 1.30pm-2.30pm:  P6-7 Football team at Calderhead HS for Shotts Cluster Tournament.
  • 2.15pm-2.45pm:  Golden Time.

World Book Day 2016

World Book Day 2016 is fast approaching, so the time has come to start thinking about which character we will come to school dressed as!

On Thursday 3rd March 2016, we will be celebrating World Book Day in the school and nursery.  All staff and pupils are invited to dress up as a favourite character from a book on the day.  Prizes will be awarded for the most original outfit from each class.

Lots of ideas and inspiration for simple to create costumes can be found on the WBD website at

During the day, all the children in the school and nursery will be involved in listening to stories read by different members of staff around the school.  This promotes reading together and reading for enjoyment and has proved a popular activity in the past!

We will also be holding a ‘Book Swap’ on World Book Day.  All pupils can bring in one book from home (in excellent condition) which they can swap for a different book to take home with them!  More details on the arrangements for this will follow.

Thank You!

We would just like to say thank you to everyone who brought in toys, books and other goods for our Micro Tyco recycle boot sale.. We are all really grateful for your kindness and generosity. It is deeply appreciated. Everything you have brought in has been used in our sale to raise money. That money will then go to the worlds poorest people to help them get a loan and get out of poverty. Everyone was so excited about the sale. The school, Micro Tyco and the worlds poorest people are all so thankful. In total today we raised £138.50! We have another two weeks of our Micro Tyco challenge so please keep watching this space for more information about what is happening next and the progress we continue to make..

Recycled Boot Sale!


On Friday the 12th of February 2016, Primary 5/6 and 6/7 are having a recycled boot sale!

There will be a 50p table,

A £1 table,

A £2 table


possibly an over £2 table.


We would highly appreciate if you could bring in some:

Board games (make sure all pieces are included),

Any kind of LEGO,

Toy cars,

Children’s books,

(U) rating DVD’s


Toys in general.

Please bring items in as soon as possible.


Please don’t bring in teddies


poor conditioned items.

We have already made £16.40 from a stall,

lets try and make some more!


We are working very hard in class to make, arrange and sell for you.


Please try and donate something for the recycled boot sale.

Recycled goods

Keep up to date by following SPS twitter


Checking the recent blogs frequently.

We are very extremely grateful for every donation we receive.

Thank You…

Starting Up Micro-Tyco


 In school, P5/6 & 6/7 have started a new topic/project on a charity called Micro-Tyco.

Micro-Tyco is a competition that runs every February and November. Micro-Tyco gives a donation of £1 and the school has to raise as much money as possible from that £1. To raise this money, our school is taking part by selling goods made of re-usable waste, which ties in with our Eco topic…

The money made by this project is then invested by a charity called WildHearts who help to give loans to poor entrepreneurs in developing countries by means of a business loan.

In class we have set up our own company

We all have jobs.

  • There are 2 bloggers who write the posts all the time updating you on the progress of the project.
  • There is 1 manager and 2 assistant managers who will oversee the project.
  • There are 2 photographers who will keep a visual record.
  • There are 3 accountants who will keep track of all the money coming in and out…
  • There is a resource manager, who is responsible for ensuring that we have enough supplies.
  • The advertising manager is in charge of the team promoting the goods.
  • There is a sales and marketing team.
  • The quality control team ensure that the goods are of good quality and suitable to be sold.
  • Finally there is the production team – some would say the most important because without them we would have no goods to sell.

We have been busy in class making products that we can sell to the community.

Some people have been making book marks and lots of other creative crafts.

Watch this space for more information…

Natural Disasters

The children in Primary 5/6 and Primary 6/7 have been extremely busy learning about natural disasters. They have investigated different natural disasters, studied tsunamis in more depth, build a model tsunami and tested it! Currently we are investigating volcanoes – imagine the fun with this! As part of this learning the children have investigated chemical reactions, looking at different solutions and how they clean a coin.

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