P4/5 Nativity Feely Stories

P4/5 had a lovely visit to the infant open area today to read their Nativity stories. The children in P4/5 have been working hard in partners and trios to create stories with textures for the younger children to enjoy.  They had to think about using suitable language and making the stories interesting for the younger children.  They also had to think about reading the stories using tone of voice to make it sound interesting.  P4/5 reported back that the stories were enjoyed by the younger children.

Health Week 2016

What a fun and active week it has been!

The whole school and nursery  have been busy in a range of different health activities this week.

On Monday we were introduced to Health Week with a whole school assembly. Then Miss Tiffney worked with all of the classes to cover some aspects of HeartStart.

On Tuesday we had the Co-op visit for a fruit taster session as well as some of the classes participating in making their own healthy recipes.


On Wednesday there was an opportunity for everyone to experience circus skills and smoothie tasting thanks to Ian.


On Thursday everyone enjoyed participating in an Olympic Session run by Graeme.

The Paramedics came in the afternoon and worked with P3 upwards.

In addition each class aimed to complete a daily mile – some of the classes did this together.

It has been a really busy but fun week for everyone involved.

A big thank you to everyone who visited our school and made this week a great success.

An even bigger thank you to Miss Tiffney for organising everything.

P1/2 Join Authors Live

P1/2 have had a very busy week this week! As well as our usual work, on Thursday we tuned into a live broadcast from the BBC from a children’s author called Ed Vere.

Ed talked to us about the characters in his books before reading us some of his work, and demonstrating how to draw some characters.

We loved being able to join in, and I’m sure you’ll agree some of our drawings were amazing!


‘The Best Day Ever!’

P1/2 and P2 had an amazing day on Thursday when they visited Deep Sea World and Aberdour Beach to consolidate their learning in class over the last term.

When we arrived at Deep Sea World we explored the rock pools and tanks before taking a journey through the tunnel under the sea! We loved seeing the Sharks and the fish swimming above us.

We then had the opportunity to watch the seals being fed. They had lots of fish for their lunch and they looked like they enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed our packed lunches!

After a quick break for lunch we jumped back on the bus and soon arrived at the beach. We were very lucky as the weather stayed dry so we could enjoy our time there.

We quickly made ourselves comfortable – some of the children set out their towels ready to ‘sunbathe’ while others quickly got to work building sand castles, digging holes and burying the staff in the sand! The school treated everyone to a delicious ice cream which we devoured before setting off again for school.

It was a fantastic day and the staff were delighted with the excellent behaviour and attitude displayed by our pupils throughout. Mrs Linfoot and Mrs McLean were very proud of them. Kenzie summed the day up perfectly when he said, ‘That was the best day EVER!’ As we travelled home on the bus!

An Afternoon with the Paramedics

P1/2 and P2 were very lucky this afternoon to be visited by two paramedics who came to talk to us about what their job involves.  They brought lots of the equipment they carry in the ambulance with them to show us.

It was a really interesting afternoon and we learned so much about how they look after people in emergency situations.

We all tried to find our pulses to check that our hearts were still beating! Most of us managed to find one!

We found out that they can give people medicine in different ways, like using a needle, a syringe or the patient can breathe it in through a face mask. If a patient is too cold the paramedics carry special foil blankets which they can wrap around them to warm them up.

We also watched a demonstration of how bandages and slings could be used to treat an injured person.

Then we watched as one of the paramedics was linked up to a heart monitor and we could see the pattern of his heartbeat on the special printout.

Some of us had the opportunity to try on the reflective jackets that the paramedics wear when working outdoors. They had lots of bright colours on them so that they could easily be seen.

Here are some photos of us trying out some of the equipment!



World Book Day 2016

World Book Day 2016 is fast approaching, so the time has come to start thinking about which character we will come to school dressed as!

On Thursday 3rd March 2016, we will be celebrating World Book Day in the school and nursery.  All staff and pupils are invited to dress up as a favourite character from a book on the day.  Prizes will be awarded for the most original outfit from each class.

Lots of ideas and inspiration for simple to create costumes can be found on the WBD website at www.worldbookday.com.

During the day, all the children in the school and nursery will be involved in listening to stories read by different members of staff around the school.  This promotes reading together and reading for enjoyment and has proved a popular activity in the past!

We will also be holding a ‘Book Swap’ on World Book Day.  All pupils can bring in one book from home (in excellent condition) which they can swap for a different book to take home with them!  More details on the arrangements for this will follow.

Healthy Eating Fun for the Nursery, P1 and P2

This afternoon the PM nursery children joined up with the P1’s and 2’s to continue their shared learning.

We have all been enjoying learning opportunities linked to a story called ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic.’  In the story, the main character Mr Grinling does not have a very healthy lifestyle, and eats far too much unhealthy food!  Our boys and girls worked together in groups to learn about healthier options that Mr Grinling could enjoy on his picnic!

We made some fruit smoothies, some caterpillar fruit kebabs, some strawberry mice and some healthy wraps.  The boys and girls enjoyed making the different healthy snacks…and enjoyed tasting them even more!

It was great to see how confident our nursery children now are when working in the primary school environment.  The staff were delighted with the fantastic work from the children today, well done!

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