Starting Up Micro-Tyco


 In school, P5/6 & 6/7 have started a new topic/project on a charity called Micro-Tyco.

Micro-Tyco is a competition that runs every February and November. Micro-Tyco gives a donation of £1 and the school has to raise as much money as possible from that £1. To raise this money, our school is taking part by selling goods made of re-usable waste, which ties in with our Eco topic…

The money made by this project is then invested by a charity called WildHearts who help to give loans to poor entrepreneurs in developing countries by means of a business loan.

In class we have set up our own company

We all have jobs.

  • There are 2 bloggers who write the posts all the time updating you on the progress of the project.
  • There is 1 manager and 2 assistant managers who will oversee the project.
  • There are 2 photographers who will keep a visual record.
  • There are 3 accountants who will keep track of all the money coming in and out…
  • There is a resource manager, who is responsible for ensuring that we have enough supplies.
  • The advertising manager is in charge of the team promoting the goods.
  • There is a sales and marketing team.
  • The quality control team ensure that the goods are of good quality and suitable to be sold.
  • Finally there is the production team – some would say the most important because without them we would have no goods to sell.

We have been busy in class making products that we can sell to the community.

Some people have been making book marks and lots of other creative crafts.

Watch this space for more information…

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