In Literacy the primary sixes did a grammar hunt. They had to look for words mispronounced in the book and fix them. The primary sevens got a new book. It is called ‘The Queens Nose’. Ryan got a new book. It is called ‘Jack and the Aliens’. Saul and Andrew have a book called ‘The boy who had nearly everything’.
In Maths we were learning how to use a protractor. We used the protractor to measure angles to find out if it is a right angle, an obtuse angle or an acute angle. In Ryan’s maths he was revising his time’s tables. Every Friday we have a Mental Maths quiz. We get 20 questions and we have to write the answer. Then we get a mark out of twenty. Our aim is to improve on our previous score. We also have a weekly times table challenge.
In Art we were drawing our own pokemon characters and gave them names and gave them strengths and weaknesses. We also make Pikachu book marks. We used yellow card and we folded it to make the book marks and then we used extra yellow card to make the ears.
The star pupil this week is…AARON!!!!! well done Aaron!