To extend my mental map and sense of place, I can interpret information from different types of maps and am beginning to locate key features within Scotland, UK, Europe or the wider world. SOC 2-14a
This week we were introduced to our new topic Japan. We found Japan using the map of the world and we were surprised that it was as small as it was. We researched information using the Ipads and we learned some interesting facts;
It is made up of 6, 852 islands- Keiran
Due to power plants Japan sometimes suffers from Acid rain- Fraser
Christmas is a romantic holiday in Japan- Emily
Late night dancing is illegal- Ciara
There is 1 vending machine to every 25 people- Anya
We also know how to count to 10 in Japanese. Why don’t you ask us?
LIT 2-29a
I can persuade, argue, explore issues or express an opinion using relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.
In storywriting this week we were introduced to Persuasive Writing. We examined propaganda posters used during World War 1 and identified the key messages and images they were portraying. We created our own persuasive poster to persuade people to join the war efforts.
Star Pupil this week is Ava Marie. Well done!