Good morning everyone, happy Monday to you all. This week we will continue to look at how the caterpillars are growing and how they are changing…
Today Miss Duggan will read us a lovely story called ‘Caterpillar catapult’
Days of the Week Song (tune of the Adams family)
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week, Days of the Week, Days of the Week! (Clap, clap)
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday
There’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday
And then there’s Saturday!
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Days of the Week (Clap, clap)
Let’s get up and moving –
Drama: This activity is good for helping children to understand the lifecycle of a butterfly. First of all you have to give each stage a body movement
Egg: Ask the children to bend down and hold onto their ankles and curl their bodies up into the shape of an egg.
Larva: Lie on the floor and squirm around like a worm Pupa : Have lots of sleeping bags or pillow cases lying around and ask the children to climb inside, the also needs to be holding some kind of colourful scarf or tissue paper for the next stage of their Transformation Butterfly: The children emerge from their cocoons waving the scarfs or tissue paper around like wings.