Good morning
I hope you all enjoyed the sun yesterday, lets hope it stays with us over the bank holiday weekend.
Reminder that Friday is a holiday and Monday is an inservice day for staff, so we will see you back here on Tuesday. Here are some activities to keep you busy until then.
We have been learning about things that grow. Beans grow, people grow, what else grows?
We like to experiment when being creative, so why not try using a fork instead of a paint brush and see what you can create.
Can you grow as tall as a beanstalk with this growing tall yoga?
After you have warmed up with yoga, you may wish to try this magic beans game. How may beans can you be?
We don’t want to keep you waiting any longer to see all the ladies so here are some stories from Mrs Young and Miss Cook.
Mrs Young reading “My Incredible pop up Farmyard”.
Miss Cook reading “10 Little Pirates”.
Here is some bank holiday fun. Can you guess who these children grew up to be? Which one is 1.Mrs Gorman, 2 Mrs Carson, 3 Mrs Young, 4 Miss Cook, 5 Miss Duggan?
We hope you have a lovey weekend. Stay safe everyone x