We can’t quite believe May has arrived. This usually means lovely weather for us to enjoy at playtime and lunchtime. The new playground equipment helps too. We have been so busy in our learning that time has flown.
Yesterday we took our Maths lesson outside and the playground became our classroom. We had to use our knowledge of the 4 operations to work together and solve problems. We also used strategies to halve even numbers and developed our skills in talking, counting, sorting and team work.
In Literacy we have been using a dictionary to explore and find words and their meaning. We have also been using our knowledge to alphabetically order a list of nouns using the first, second and third letter. Developing these skills can be tricky and takes concentration and perseverance. Well done, P3.
Next week we will begin learning about The Human Body. We shall begin by learning about our heart and how to keep it healthy. Tune in again soon to find out how we are getting on.