Hi Everyone.
We can’t believe it is March already. Lent has begun and we went to church on Ash Wednesday to receive our ashes. We behaved beautifully and are very proud of ourselves!
In Numeracy we have been exploring odd and even numbers. We know that when we say the even numbers it is the same as counting in 2’s. P2 know that even numbers can be shared eaqually between 2 but odd numbers can’t.
P1 are finishing off a block of addition work and are moving onto exploring what happens when you subtract a small quantity from a bigger amount.
P2 have finished a block of work on grouping and are using this knowledge to help with sharing equally. We are looking for connections between both!
We know that grouping is multiplying and sharing is dividing.
In Literacy P1 are using their knowledge of common words and cvc blending to begin to write a simple sentence independently. We are working our socks off at this!
P2 Literacy target over the last week has been to use and or but to join a sentence. We are working hard at this.
In Health over the last 2 weeks we have been exploring Needs and Wants. We know that a need is something that everyone has a right to like, clean water, food and shelter. We know we are very lucky because we have lots of things that we don’t really need!
Thanks for reading our blog.