We have had a busy few weeks in Primary 5 with a lovely September Weekend in between. We all arrived back on Thursday refreshed and ready for more learning!
We have continued to read our class novels, this week we focused on Inference and Visualisation. We began the Instructions Genre for Story Writing, we looked closely at the Core Targets in an example piece and highlighted them as we found them. This helped us focus on them before writing our own pieces.
In Maths we worked with Mrs Keith last week, some of us were looking at strategies to multiply using our times tables.
We continued to learn about money, we spoke about the ways we can pay for things and the difference between debit and credit cards. We also used menus to budget when buying a takeout meal for a family.
For topic we created our own sea creatures, using the different parts of animals found in the ocean. We then made salt dough and brought our creatures to life. We are still waiting for a few of these to dry out before we start painting them.
This boy also went on holiday to St Andrews and brought back this crab for us all to see!
In RE we have been looking at the book of Genesis, when God instructed us to take care of all of creation. We have considered the impact that the things we do have on the earth.
In Drama we have continued to work on our communication skills through fun games. We know that a big part of communication is listening!
We had a special colour challenge this week, we created a colourful poster to advertise Fun Day within ten minutes. Mrs Lalley’s class took our entires and decided on the two following winners. Well done, girls.
This week Fr Sullivan visited our class, he is looking for new Altar Servers. Anybody who wants to become one should attend go along to the Church on Saturday the 29th September 2018 at 10:30.
Today we celebrated 100 years of Catholic Education with a Fun Day! Have a look at the photos below to see who much fun we all had on the inflatables!
Have a super weekend
– Miss Fitzgerald and Primary 5h