Category Archives: Whole School

Chapelgreen and Banton Partnership Family Challenges


Chapelgreen and Banton Partnership Schools

Family Learning Challenges


We know how hard it can be when you have more than one child working on different things during the course of the week. To try to address this and to perhaps help ease some of the difficulties, we have developed some family learning challenges.

These challenges reflect the work we have started in school and work that had been planned as part of our pupil committees, assemblies and curricular developments this term.

We will issue these challenges once a week and we would love to encourage you and your child/ren to participate together. This work can be completed in place of a piece of topic work and the class teachers will adjust their weekly planning to reflect this.

As we have a wide range of ages within our school, we will provide a choice of two tasks within the challenge for most weeks. You can, however, choose the task which you feel is most appropriate for you and your family. (Or just the one you like the sound of most!)

Certificates and points to be won for the weekly challenge winners

This week’s challenge follows our Fairtrade theme and will be posted on the school blog shortly.

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.


Hope you are continuing to stay safe and well.

Mrs Savva




Time to play!!!

Good morning,

I hope you and your family are keeping well during this very unusual and difficult time.

I hope your children are enjoying being at home.

Play is more crucial than ever before as it is beneficial on so many levels, emotional, physical and imaginative amongst many.

So please continue to encourage and support both free and structured play.

Here is a link for this week’s play grid. Indoor and Outdoor Play 3

There are lots of fun indoor and outdoor activities for your children to participate in.

Please continue to stay safe and well.

Mrs Savva.


Fairtrade Family Learning Fun

Good morning,

I hope you are all  safe and well.  Before the holidays we were learning about Fairtrade in assembly and in class. We even made Fairtrade banana bread and cookies.  They were delicious!

As we cannot continue this learning  in school for the moment we would like the pupils to engage in some family learning at home.

Family Learning Challenge

This challenge can be completed as a family if you have more than one child at the school.  Choose whichever activity you find most suitable for your family situation and the resources and time you have on hand.

1- Watch the video clip using the link below…

2 – Look at the home learning activity grids attached to this post and choose an activity to complete.  Please note that there are two grids, one for younger children and one for older children.  You can choose one activity from either grid depending on what suits you best as a family.

3 – Once you have completed your challenge, depending on what you have done, you can email it to:

Or feel free to  post a picture in a reply to this blog post.  Whatever is easier for you.

Home Learning activity grids:  A Fair Tale Ages P1-3

A Fair Tale Ages P4-7

Indoor and Outdoor Play- Early Level

I hope our pupils have had a wonderful Easter break. I am sure they will have had plenty of opportunity for lots of play both indoor and outdoor, especially with this lovely weather.

Play is an essential part of every child’s life and is  vital for the enjoyment of childhood as well as social, emotional , intellectual and physical development.

I have attached a link to a play grid for early years. This will be updated every fortnight.

If you would like to email any photographs of your children completing these activities these will be uploaded to our school blog. rmeimaroglou@chapelgreen.

Stay safe and well. Happy playing!!

Click on the link: Indoor and Outdoor Play


New direct payment system for free school meals

A new payment system is being set up for pupils who receive free school meals.

It will start on Friday 27 March and run throughout the current health crisis.

Parents and carers of pupils who receive free school meals will be sent a message twice a week from the council.

It will include a voucher code for £10.00 (you will receive a total of £20.00 per child per week).

The message will be sent either as a text message to your mobile phone, by email or as a printed copy if you don’t have internet access.

You can use the voucher code at any shop that accepts Pay Point, for a list of your local Pay Point retailers visit Find your local PayPoint store and enter your postcode.

For more information, please email the free school meals team on:

Home Learning

We will be posting activities for our learning community on this school and nursery blog from Monday 23.3.20.  There will be a mixture of written, online and practical activities.

Try to keep a routine going in the house, with specific learning times and breaks.  Pupils can be learning practical skills at home too, such as preparing snacks, helping in the garden, sorting the laundry etc.  

Follow us on twitter, (Chapelgreen_PS) as we will be following sites that will provide additional activities and daily challenges.

Don’t forget to get exercise in too!  Lots of opportunities will be offered through the tv and other sites. 

We are always hopeful that this situation will resolve sooner and we can get back to having everyone at school.  Fingers crossed! 

The Chapelgreen Team

Here are a few ideas from NLC to get you going:

Early The final two years of early learning and childcare before a child goes to school and P1, or later for some.
First To the end of P4, but earlier or later for some.
Second To the end of P7, but earlier or later for some.


Early Level Speech & Language Home Activities

Early Level Literacy Home Activities

First Level Literacy Home Activities

First Level Speech & Language Home Activities

Second Level Literacy Activities

Second Level Speech & Language Homework Activities


Early Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities

First Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities

Second Level Mathematics and Numeracy Activities



Primary 1-3

This post will list work for primary 1-3

North LanarkshireResources

Early Level Speech & Language Home Activities

Early Level Literacy Home Activities

First Level Literacy Home Activities

First Level Speech & Language Home Activities

Early Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities

First Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities

Primary 4-7

Home learning resources for P 4-7 will be listed here.

General Learning Updates

North Lanarkshire Resources


First Level Literacy Home Activities

First Level Speech & Language Home Activities

Second Level Literacy Activities

Second Level Speech & Language Homework Activities

First Level Mathematics and Numeracy Home Activities

Second Level Mathematics and Numeracy Activities

Home Learning P1/2/3 – Blue Group

Sounds and common words to revise

a, t a   at   the
s, i I, in, it
p, n an, is, and
r, m am, me, my
d, e did, as, he
c, k can, we, into
g, l go, got, get
f, o if, for, on

Some ideas for Spelling and Phonics revision

  • Rainbow letters – write your words using a range of different colours
  • Write a sentence or a silly story using as many of the words as you can.
  • Sound hunt – look for as many examples of your sound as you can in a book or magazine.
  • Have someone write some of the letters from your common words. Can you fill in the missing space without looking?
  • Make some cards with capitals and small letters and play a game of matching!

Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking activities you can do

  • Read for enjoyment daily – nothing improves your reading like reading regularly
  • Choose your favourite page in a reading book and draw a picture of that page. Tell an adult why you like it.
  • Ask someone to give you a letter of the alphabet. You have two minutes to think of an animal, place and food/drink beginning with that letter!
  • Practise handwriting – use doorway online for handwriting formation
  • Practise your typing skills – use BBC Dance Mat Typing
  • Write a story about a day at home!

Maths Challenges

  • Practice counting in twos, fives and tens.
  • Ask someone for a number between 0 and 20. Now write down as many addition and subtraction questions you know that can make that number!
  • Gather some of your toys together. Now put them into order. First tallest to shortest. Then shortest to tallest. Then heaviest to lightest. Then lightest to heaviest.
  • Find a pattern in your house, e.g. wallpaper, tiles, on the duvet. Can you describe it? Draw and colour in the pattern.
  • Walk around your house. How many shapes can you see?
  • Can you find a cube, sphere, cuboid and a cylinder?
  • Create a symmetrical picture!

Home Learning P1/2/3 – Red Group

Phonemes to revise

  • ow – snow, grow, blow
  • aw – saw, law, awful
  • oi – soil, boil, foil
  • au – sauce, pause, because
  • ew – flew, grew, drew
  • th – think, thorn, thick
  • ow – owl, brown, growl, now
  • ou – round, round, mouse, house

Spelling words to revise

  • yellow, grow, again, food
  • very, took, fast, there
  • their, some, them, last
  • blue, best, number, other
  • because, week, keep, when
  • what, many, book, soon
  • this, that, then
  • how, where, now, too
  • round, found, wish, men

Some ideas for Spelling and Phonics revision

  • Rainbow letters – write your words using a range of different colours
  • UPPER and lower spelling – write each word in upper case and then lower case
  • Pyramid spelling – write your words in a pyramid, starting with one letter at the top, two letters underneath, then three, and so on…!
  • Backwards spelling words – write your words backwards!
  • Write a sentence or a silly story using as many of the words as you can.
  • Phoneme hunt – look for as many examples of your phoneme as you can in a book or magazine.
  • Type them spelling – type your words. Change the font and colour for each word


Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking activities you can do

  • Read for enjoyment daily – nothing improves your reading like reading regularly
  • Keep a list of the books you read and review some of them – you could record video reviews or review in a written format of your choosing. You could even take photographs of every book you read and count them all at the end of each week!
  • Create an information poster about your favourite book character. Remember to include a character picture, text and colour!
  • Ask someone to give you a letter of the alphabet. You have two minutes to think of an animal, place and food/drink beginning with that letter!
  • Practise handwriting – use doorway online for handwriting formation
  • Practise your typing skills – use BBC Dance Mat Typing
  • Write a story or diary entry about a day at home!


Maths Challenges

  • Practice your times tables! You should focus on the 2x, 5x and 10x – but why not challenge yourself to learn different tables?!Times Tables
  • Ask someone for a number between 0 and 100. Now write down as many addition, subtraction questions you know that can make that number!
  • Gather some of your toys together. Now put them into order. First tallest to shortest. Then shortest to tallest. Then heaviest to lightest. Then lightest to heaviest.
  • Add up all the ages of people in your house!
  • Create a maths board game to play with others!
  • Find a pattern in your house, e.g. wallpaper, tiles, on the duvet. Can you describe it? Draw and colour in the pattern.
  • Walk around your house. How many shapes can you see?
  • Can you find a cube, sphere, cuboid and a cylinder?
  • Create a symmetrical picture!