Afternoon Session – Nursery Class

It has been a pleasure welcoming our returning children and all of our new starts to Berryhill Nursery.

Throughout September the children have been learning all about traditional tales, in particular, The Gingerbread Man, The Enormous Turnip and (still to come) Little Red Riding Hood.  The focus has been on introducing the children to new vocabulary such as ‘enormous’, ‘budge’, ‘scampered’ and ‘sly’,  allowing the children to re-enact the stories in different ways, counting and learning all about positional language such as in front of, behind, first, second, third.  In the gym hall the children have been learning about being in their own space, controlling their bodies and learning some new ball skills.  They have also been sharing their thoughts about the stories through art – please see our fabulous displays!

In addition, the children have been to Tesco to buy turnips, made turnip soup, made gingerbread men and baked cupcakes.

Here is what the children have to say about their learning this month…

‘I’m mixing to make a gingerbread man.’  Julien Brandt

‘I was making a gingerbread man.’  Teagan Murdoch

‘The gingerbread man ran past a piggy and a cow and a horse.  He met the fox, he couldn’t go across the river so the fox said ‘Hop on to my tail.  You are too heavy, hop on to my back then hop on to my head.’  Then he flipped him and snapped him up!’  Kaelyn Watson

‘The gingerbread man ran out the door and scampered past the school boy.  He shouted ‘STOP little gingerbread man!  I want to eat you!’  He then met a sly fox.’  Sean Dunn

‘I made a bridge for the gingerbread man so he could get across the water.’  Makayla Nisbet

‘Once upon a time there was an old man and he put seeds in the ground.  It got bigger and bigger until it was up to the ceiling.  They pulled and pulled.  The man, the wife, the boy, the girl, the dog, the cat and the mouse.  They pulled and pulled and then it fell on the ground.  They all ate it.’  Cael Cullen

‘The man planted the turnips.  The man was first, the wife was next, the boy, the girl, the cat and then the mouse.  They pulled and pulled then it came out.’  Aryanna Murdoch

‘I was the turnip.’  Carson Wallace

‘I was the mouse, I was last.  The turnip came out of the ground.’  Kaelyn Watson

‘I was making cupcakes with Mrs Haxton.’  Makayla Nisbet

‘We bought an enormous turnip at Tesco.  We saw a big fish.’  Kayden O’Dwyer

‘I went to Tesco and we got potatoes and turnips but no enormous ones.  I got to hold a fish as well.’  Stuart Collins


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