Category Archives: Nursery PM

January – Afternoon Session

Welcome to the January edition of the nursery blog.

The children showed such a great interest in animals during our Autumn context so we decided that, along with the recent snowy and icy weather, it would be a great opportunity to learn all about the Polar Regions and the animals that live in these places.

Through SHANARRI, the children have been learning about how to keep their bodies HEALTHY.  We have talked about what makes food healthy or unhealthy.  The children have been tasting different types of fruit and enjoyed making fruit kebabs.  Sasha, the dental nurse, also came in and talked to the children about the importance of brushing their teeth.


In numeracy, the children have been counting on and back on the number line, ordering numbers and using one to one correspondence to give the correct amount of objects.


We have been finding information about different types of animals using the iPads, the Smartboard and books.  The children have been drawing different animals that live in the Polar Regions and recalling information about them.


We will continue our Polar Regions context over the next few weeks and will then move on to learning all about the Gruffalo!


December – Afternoon Session

Welcome to the December edition of the nursery blog.

We have had a fantastic time in nursery this month!


The panto was enjoyed by all.




The children have enjoyed dressing up as Santa, elves and reindeer.





The naughty elf has been keeping the children on their toes, getting up to all sorts of nonsense, including hiding in the garden!




There has been Christmas crafts and games to be played.












The children have also been writing their letters to Santa.




The children have been retelling the story of the nativity.

‘Baby Jesus was born.  There were kings and shepherds.  The shepherds got a big fright from the angel.  The kings brought presents.’  Cael

‘The king followed the big star.  Baby Jesus was born.’  Makayla

‘They are going to Bethlehem on a donkey.’  Stuart

‘Sorry, no room!  The angels speak to the boys.  Mary is his mummy.’  Grace


We’re sure you’ll agree that the nativity was fantastic and the children were brilliant!





The party was a great success too!



The context for January is yet to be decided, we are going to let the children choose in the new year.  Watch this space…


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to welcoming all of our lovely children back in 2018!

October – afternoon session

Welcome to our October blog.  We have had a fantastic month in nursery.

We continued our learning of traditional tales and finished the context with Little Red Riding Hood.  This was definitely one of the children’s favourite stories, they loved the songs and re-enacting the story.  We enjoyed a picnic in the nursery to celebrate the end of the context.

Many thanks to all the parents who sent in context evaluations!

‘I was Little Red Riding Hood.  The big, bad wolf was trying to chase me.’  Kaelyn

‘Bad wolf.  He eats grandma up.’  Grace

‘The woodcutter was best.  The wolf was never seen ever, ever again.’  Kayden

‘Red Riding Hood.  I like the story.’  Junior

‘I was the bad wolf running to Red Riding Hood to eat her up.’  Carson

We celebrated Daniel’s birthday…

And welcomed two new starts – Grace and Alfie

The children were brilliant at our obstacle course!

‘I walked on the bench by myself.’  Stuart

We are now going to be learning all about Autumn and have so far enjoyed a walk in the woods, painting and lots of talking, listening and sharing our ideas about Autumn.

Our focus for maths, literacy and health and wellbeing for this context are:

Maths – to create a simple pattern.

Literacy – to find information from a variety of sources.

Health and Wellbeing – to explore, prepare and taste a variety of foods.

We had a fantastic time at our Halloween party!

November – Afternoon Session

Welcome to the November issue of the Berryhill Nursery blog!

We have had a fantastic month in nursery.  We have been learning all about Autumn and, through this context, have been exploring and investigating pattern, enjoying the great outdoors, finding information in different ways and learning all about nocturnal animals as well as much, much more!


The children enjoyed a visit from Lesley from Moo Music this month.  The especially enjoyed the bubble game she played with them.


The children enjoyed visiting Baron’s Haugh…

“We were looking for squirrels.  We saw one.  Hedgehogs go to sleep.  They eat slugs.” Makayla

Where they enjoyed comparing and measuring…

Trying to climb trees…

And investigating different types of plants…

“We saw brown squirrels.  We saw lots of animal houses.  All the leaves were falling down because of the wind and the cold.  I got the biggest stick but not the size of me.” Kayden

“We were looking for animals houses.  We collected leaves and sticks.  I had a middle one.”  Sean


We have been learning about patterns and exploring them in different areas of the nursery.


We have also been using the iPads to find lots of information about nocturnal animals, in particular, hedgehogs.

“Hedgehogs look in the dark for food.  They like worms.  They have lots of spikes.” Daniel

“They eat slugs and worms.  They’re jaggy.”  Alfie

“It rolls into a ball in the morning.  At night time they look for food.” Kaelyn


Through SID and SHANARRI the children have been learning all about keeping SAFE.  Please look out for our new SHANARRI wall in the cloakroom, coming soon!


We are currently preparing for our Nursery Nativity which is on Thursday 14th November.

During December the children will be learning all about the Nativity story.


Afternoon Session – Nursery Class

It has been a pleasure welcoming our returning children and all of our new starts to Berryhill Nursery.

Throughout September the children have been learning all about traditional tales, in particular, The Gingerbread Man, The Enormous Turnip and (still to come) Little Red Riding Hood.  The focus has been on introducing the children to new vocabulary such as ‘enormous’, ‘budge’, ‘scampered’ and ‘sly’,  allowing the children to re-enact the stories in different ways, counting and learning all about positional language such as in front of, behind, first, second, third.  In the gym hall the children have been learning about being in their own space, controlling their bodies and learning some new ball skills.  They have also been sharing their thoughts about the stories through art – please see our fabulous displays!

In addition, the children have been to Tesco to buy turnips, made turnip soup, made gingerbread men and baked cupcakes.

Here is what the children have to say about their learning this month…

‘I’m mixing to make a gingerbread man.’  Julien Brandt

‘I was making a gingerbread man.’  Teagan Murdoch

‘The gingerbread man ran past a piggy and a cow and a horse.  He met the fox, he couldn’t go across the river so the fox said ‘Hop on to my tail.  You are too heavy, hop on to my back then hop on to my head.’  Then he flipped him and snapped him up!’  Kaelyn Watson

‘The gingerbread man ran out the door and scampered past the school boy.  He shouted ‘STOP little gingerbread man!  I want to eat you!’  He then met a sly fox.’  Sean Dunn

‘I made a bridge for the gingerbread man so he could get across the water.’  Makayla Nisbet

‘Once upon a time there was an old man and he put seeds in the ground.  It got bigger and bigger until it was up to the ceiling.  They pulled and pulled.  The man, the wife, the boy, the girl, the dog, the cat and the mouse.  They pulled and pulled and then it fell on the ground.  They all ate it.’  Cael Cullen

‘The man planted the turnips.  The man was first, the wife was next, the boy, the girl, the cat and then the mouse.  They pulled and pulled then it came out.’  Aryanna Murdoch

‘I was the turnip.’  Carson Wallace

‘I was the mouse, I was last.  The turnip came out of the ground.’  Kaelyn Watson

‘I was making cupcakes with Mrs Haxton.’  Makayla Nisbet

‘We bought an enormous turnip at Tesco.  We saw a big fish.’  Kayden O’Dwyer

‘I went to Tesco and we got potatoes and turnips but no enormous ones.  I got to hold a fish as well.’  Stuart Collins