Clyde In The Classroom Fry Release

Monday 14th of March was the last day we spent with our fish.  We invited parents in to have a  look at the work we’ve been doing and meet our scientist, Willie Yeomans from the River Clyde Foundation.

Willie told us we had done a great job of raising our fish, and had raised more fish than he had ever seen ( we owe a big thank you to Lorraine for adding extra ice packs before she locked up the school).  Willie really loved our “I wonder” and “What we’ve learned” boards. He told us it shows fantastic scientific thinking and he’s really proud of what we’ve learned and how well we’ve done. We’re really going to miss his visits.

We walked down to the burn behind Auchinloch Park, and Willie explained more about the release site, and what our fry would do next.  Then we carefully walked down to the edge of the burn and released our fish. Be safe little girls and guys!

We have really enjoyed this topic. Here’s the children’s evaluation.

Summed up in just one word:
‘Fin’tastic, brilliant, excellent, fandabbydozie, great, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Favourite bits?
Releasing the fish,
learning about fish,
checking the temperature.

Least favourite bits?
It was sad letting the fish go.
Some eggs died.
The tank smelled sometimes!

Top tips?
Wear wellies to the river!
Check every day for dead eggs so mould doesn’t spread.
Do it!

Have you enjoyed following our fish journey? Let us know by leaving a reply.

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