CHS Health and Wellbeing Event

A big thank you to all the parents who made it to the Chryston High School Cluster Health and Wellbeing Event on 9th March

For those who couldn’t make it, here are some highlights:

There were a number of stands set up in the foyer promoting Healthy Eating, Active Schools, Peer Mentoring  and the Food Technology curriculum.

How much sugar?!

Display showing ‘hidden’ sugars in food and drink.


Food Technology

Food Technology

There was also a workshop running showing how to help children use Glow to support their learning.

Internet Safety.
Similar to our event in January the online safety talk covered safe guarding social media accounts and keeping personal information private.  Below is the video that was shown. We encourage you to share this with your P5-7 children and discuss the issues mentioned.

Please remember that  Think You Know has many useful resources and guides for parents.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting (RSHP)

This session provided all attendees with a copy of the RSHP curriculum, and emphasised that relationships (working with others, solving difficulties, being a good friend and team player) is the main focus at primary level.   Short clips of P3, p6 and P7 lessons were shown with an opportunity for questions afterwards.


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