Category Archives: latest news

University of the West of Scotland – Webinar Sessions for S5 & S6 Students

Any new S6 student planning to go to university can register for a webinar organised by UWS (University of the West of Scotland). There are 2 webinars delivered through Zoom and. there will be opportunities for students to ask questions throughout the webinars by using the chat and Q&A feature in Zoom. This is a really good opportunity to get extra info about university. Registration links can be found below:

10 June 2pm Personal Statement


24 June 2pm Enhancing Employability

Further info from Mrs Baird.


Survey – How the COVID-19 lockdown is affecting you

Our school is working in partnership with SHINE (Schools Health and Wellbeing Improvement Research Network). We’re inviting you to take part in a survey about coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s called TeenCovidLife.

We want to know how COVID-19 is affecting you. If you want to take part, and we really hope you do as this will be really valuable, you’ll be asked how it has changed things for you at home and at school. The survey will also ask about your health and wellbeing.

When you return to school, we want to ensure you are supported as much as possible. Taking part in this survey can help us get a better understanding about how you have been affected by COVID-19 and how we can support you.

A the start of the survey you will be asked which local authority you live in (North Lanarkshire), the first part of your post code and your school name (Airdrie Academy). The survey is anonymous so it will not ask you your name.

We are hope you are all safe and well and look forward to seeing you back in school.

Please click on the link below to complete the survey:

Message from Mr Anderson

I hope that you and all of your families are well.

Staff continue to do all that they can to support pupils learning at home. I am very grateful to my colleagues for their continued hard work and planning. I am also very grateful to all of you, our parents and families, for all of the support that you are providing to your children in their learning. I know that balancing that with all of the other things you have to do at home is not easy.

It is hard to believe but the long May weekend is here. Both Friday May 22nd and Monday May 25th are school holidays. Staff will set tasks again from Tuesday May 26th onwards.

Enjoy the long weekend.

Please stay safe and take care.

Many thanks

Mr Anderson