Category Archives: latest news

Earth Day Focus

Earth Day was the 22nd April and the focus was dedicated to providing the information and inspirtation needed to try and eventually end plastic pollution.
Many of us use or come into contact with single use plastics such as bags, bottles, plates, utensils and straws. But there are also plastics in our electronics, clothes etc.
So what happens to all this plasitc? Some of it gets recycled, however much more ends up in landfills or is littered and ends up in our waterways. Our school focus every month has been plastic oceans and the effects that this has have been highlighted and can be viewed on the eco group notice board in the social area.

Here are some suggestions on how you can reduce your plastic footprint
Everytime you consider buying a disposable plastic item ask yourself, do you really need it? can you use something that you already have instead?
Properly dispose of plastics and never just throw them as litter
Pick up plastic trash whenever you see it, especially in ponds, streams, rivers and on beaches

The Eco Group

My Experience at the @Home Centre

Hi my name is Chloe and I am going to tell you about what I do at that @Home Centre. I have been a volunteer and I have been doing it for nearly 2 years. I help with any events at the centre and I help with the tea and coffee and the food. I have been involved in many different events at the centre and I usually serve the tea and coffee. I was also involved in helping give out Christmas presents to others. I try to interact with other people as it is good to talk to new people and make new friends. If any visitors come to the centre I then show them around. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days – one day is 4.30 to 6.30pm and the other is from 6.00 to 8.00pm. This has been a good experience for me after the loss of my mum. It’s helped me focus outside my home life for a wee while and I enjoy helping and meeting new people.

The staff are all very friendly at the centre. Joanne Boyle is one of the leaders that I get on with very well as she is a nice person to talk to and gives me advice when I am worried about things. During one of the award events I received my Solitaire Award for giving up my time at the @Home Centre. I felt very proud of myself.

Now, the @Home Centre are starting up a café for young people and it will be run by young people. I am going to be involved in setting it up and then helping it run from 4:30 to 8:30 pm. I think this is a great idea as it gives young people a place to hang out and not be on the streets. It is also an opportunity to meet new people.

Overall, I would advise anyone to join the @Home Centre because it is fun, you get to meet new people and you even can achieve different awards. For me, it has been a great experience as it helped me through a tough time in my life.

Proposed Amendment to Parent Council Constitution

The following amendment to the Constitution is being proposed by the Parent Council. If there are no objections by the evening of the AGM on 25 April,  the amendment will be made:

Point 4 – to add a paragraph “If any member of the Parent Council fails to turn up for three meetings in a row and they do not provide their apologies for absence, then their membership of the Parent Council can be removed by a vote of the remaining members. The absentee parent will be informed in writing by the Chair or Secretary of the Parent Council’s decision and why.”

Easter School 2018

Easter School will take place from Tuesday 3rd April until Thursday 5th April – 9.30am to 2.15pm. The aim is to provide additional support, advice and extra practice in the majority of subjects in the lead up to the SQA exams. Pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting Advanced Higher, Higher or National 5 exams have signed up and we look forward to welcoming them in school on Tuesday at 9.30am.

Scottish Schools Cross Country 2018

On Saturday 17th March 2018 two of our very talented S2 Athletes, Eilidh Shaw and Emily Arthur competed at the Scottish Schools X-Country event at Hopetoun House in Edinburgh. Both girls ran very well mixing with the best of what Scotland has to offer at this age group.

Both girls competed in the Group C Girls race. Eilidh Shaw placed 24th which was an excellent finish for mixing with S3 pupils.
Both Eilidh and Emily will have another year at this age group so wishing them all the best for next year.

The conditions were snowy and very windy so both Eilidh and Emily represented Airdrie Academy well and I am sure made everyone proud.

Now that is the X-Country season over we look forward to see what the Athletics and X-Country club bring during the track season.

Giant Heptathlon

S2 pupils took part in the Giant Heptathlon on Friday 9th February 2018.

This event involved all the pupils participating in the following events at Ravenscraig Sports Centre;
• Step Up Challenge
• Relay Race
• Standing Long Jump
• Standing Triple Jump
• Shot Putt
• 60m Sprint
• 60m Hurdles

Overall Airdrie Academy were 5th.
All the pupils involved were excellent and achieved some of their best performances.

Numeracy Week

Numeracy Week 12th – 16th March

Every day in classes pupils engaged in lessons centred on numeracy. Within the Maths department the focus was on the growth mind set of numeracy – Why it is important. We also highlighted the other areas of numeracy by, for example, playing logic games and how to solve problems using numeracy skills.

Monday 12th
-Visit from Professor McBride to deliver a very interesting Numeracy talk to all of our S2 pupils. Professor McBride showed pupils how to divide by single digits easily in their heads and how to solve magic squares simply.

-At lunchtime we had a Rubik Cube competition where pupils were timed to see who could solve the cube the fastest. Adam McRae was our champion at 17 seconds but Ryan Eckersley came a close second at 22 seconds.

Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th
The Royal Bank of Scotland were in school to deliver a Skill4Bills workshop to our S1 pupils. The Skill4Bills workshop allows pupils to begin to understand the concept of credit, recognize household expensive and financial commitments and add to their numeracy skills. This was delivered by staff from the RBS and Lloyds Bank and some parents involved in the pupil council. It truly was fantastic event and very well received by every pupil. A huge thank you to everyone involved for giving up their time to help promote numeracy within Airdrie Academy. On the Wednesday some of our S3 pupils helped out a huge thank you to them!!

Wednesday 14th – Pi Day!!! (Month/day/year 3.14.18)
– The RBS in school as before. – Pi Day was celebrated all around the school. Canteen offered a fantastic stake pie to help celebrate.
– Number festival for Primary 7 pupil. All of our cluster primaries were involved with our number festival. This involved several departments, including maths, science, business and PE. That activities Pupils went round in groups visiting five activities experiencing Numeracy in the different environments. Some of the activities were Rubik Cube challenge, Numeracy Corners, Measuring using scales and code braking. Although I organised the event I could not have don’t it without some of our S2 pupils. They were escorts for the primary 7’s and some of our pupils helped out within the classes. More impressive three of our girls actually delivered the activity. Beth Wilson, Fatima Jaffrey and Nicola Roger organised and ran the activity in Business.

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th
Numeracy for S3 and S2 pupils – Over the two days pupils were engaged in an activity we have on loan form the University of Glasgow through the STEM ambassadors. It was several numeracy activities where pupils, whilst in their Maths classrooms, went around in groups solving different numeracy problems.

Easter School 2018

Easter School will take place from Tuesday 3rd April until Thursday 5th April – 9.30am to 2.15pm. The aim is to provide additional support, advice and extra practice in the majority of subjects in the lead up to the SQA exams. Pupils in S4/5/6 who are sitting Higher or National 5 have had the opportunity to sign up for Easter School during FOL time this week.