My Experience at the @Home Centre

Hi my name is Chloe and I am going to tell you about what I do at that @Home Centre. I have been a volunteer and I have been doing it for nearly 2 years. I help with any events at the centre and I help with the tea and coffee and the food. I have been involved in many different events at the centre and I usually serve the tea and coffee. I was also involved in helping give out Christmas presents to others. I try to interact with other people as it is good to talk to new people and make new friends. If any visitors come to the centre I then show them around. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my days – one day is 4.30 to 6.30pm and the other is from 6.00 to 8.00pm. This has been a good experience for me after the loss of my mum. It’s helped me focus outside my home life for a wee while and I enjoy helping and meeting new people.

The staff are all very friendly at the centre. Joanne Boyle is one of the leaders that I get on with very well as she is a nice person to talk to and gives me advice when I am worried about things. During one of the award events I received my Solitaire Award for giving up my time at the @Home Centre. I felt very proud of myself.

Now, the @Home Centre are starting up a café for young people and it will be run by young people. I am going to be involved in setting it up and then helping it run from 4:30 to 8:30 pm. I think this is a great idea as it gives young people a place to hang out and not be on the streets. It is also an opportunity to meet new people.

Overall, I would advise anyone to join the @Home Centre because it is fun, you get to meet new people and you even can achieve different awards. For me, it has been a great experience as it helped me through a tough time in my life.