Category Archives: latest news

P6 Enjoying Science

Primary 6 pupils were welcomed by the Science Department during their transition day on Tuesday 15th May.

S1 Science Club

The S1 Science Club carried out many fun Science experiments this year such as: making slime, fireworks, bouncy balls, elephants toothpaste, rocket cannon, King Kong’s hand and many many more.

Well done to Eilidh, Ruby, Cameron, Sophie and Millie who received certificates for perfect attendance all year at science club!

S1 Future Funds Initiative

S1 pupils can still collect an application form from the office at break/lunchtime. Hand completed forms into Room F03 in the Business Department. Don’t miss out on the ‘free’ tenner on offer! Remember to pick up your goodie-bag from F03, the first time you pay in! Pay-ins can be made during lunchtimes in F03 (until the second-last week of term). 

Well done to Lauren, who was the very first pupil to pay in during the launch (photo attached).

S3 Geography Fieldtrip to Kilbowie

The S3 Geography students took part in a Fieldwork weekend at Kilbowie outdoor centre, Oban. This was to allow students to gather firsthand data on Rivers. With this information they will be able to produce AVUs and Assignments as part of their National curriculum. This was an inter- school event and was well attended by pupils from Airdrie, Coltness and Taylor secondary schools. Everyone had an excellent time and they managed to collect, process and analyse their data over the weekend!

Airdrie Academy Prom 2018

Sixth year pupils at Airdrie Academy recently enjoyed a wonderful evening as they celebrated the end of the school year with their Prom.

The event was held at the Westerwood Hotel where pupils and staff danced the night away following a delicious three course meal.

School Captain Eman Qasim delivered a heartfelt speech where she thanked pupils for their active involvement in the wider life of the school and wished them well for their future endeavours.  Depute Head Teacher Allison Dewar also addressed pupils and thanked everyone for an exceptionally good year.  Sixth year pupil Keavi Higgins sang beautifully at the start of the evening.   Rev. Robbie Hamilton said a few words commending the pupils on a fantastic year and then said grace before a beautiful three course meal was served.

The photo booth was a great hit with pupils, where many fun photos were taken which reflected the ambience of the evening.  The dance floor was filled all night long and pupils enjoyed every single minute of their special night.

‘The prom was an amazing success where pupils were an absolute credit to themselves and the school.  The evening created memories that will last a lifetime.’

Memorial Plaque

As you may know, every September we take senior students to Belgium. This trip has been running since 2006 and has become such an important part of school life, especially for S6 students. Over the years we have done research into the former pupils of Airdrie Academy who are remembered in the Ypres/Passchendaele area and have visited the resting places of all of these men. We have shared this research with the local community and churches and have been honoured to hear back from relatives who appreciate that we, on behalf of Airdrie Academy, still pays our respects.

Last year we visited St George’s Memorial Church in Ypres, built to commemorate over 500,000 British and Commonwealth troops, who had died in the three battles fought for the Ypres Salient, during World War I and discussed the possibility of having a plaque dedicated to the former pupils of our school. Thanks to the Parish Council of St George’s Memorial Church for permission and to our own Parent Council who very kindly agreed to provide funding for the plaque, this has now been installed in the church. We always appreciate the Parent Council support for our trips, but this in particular has a special meaning for us.

Rev Robbie Hamilton is currently in Belgium with his own congregation and has sent us the photos attached. I hope you agree that this is a lovely tribute to our former pupils and will provide a permanent place for Airdrie Academy to remember those who gave their lives in WW1.

This September when we visit, we will have a special service in the church to dedicate the plaque.

L Baird

Parent Council Quiz Night – Friday 18th May

The Parent Council are having their annual Quiz Night on Friday 18th May at 7.30pm in the Drama rooms, tickets cost £5. We are looking for your support to help this evening to be a success once again. I will be around the school next week selling tickets and raffle tickets (prize donations also welcome) so please help the parent council as they do a FANTASTIC job for our school in fundraising. Many of you don’t know what the Parent council donate to so here’s a few events in which the Parent Council have sponsored this school year.

£50 to each house to support their fundraising events and activites
£50 to the Enterprise Group. This group also have a printer and banner which was previously purchased by the parent council.

Literacy week costs
Equipment for the Hub
Christmas lunch for older people in our community
Achievement Certificates for hospitality students
Plus many many more

We are supporting the “BIG LUNCH” on the 13th June.

E McGuire