Parent Council – Code of Conduct

Coltness High School Parent Council Code of Conduct In order to become and remain a member of the Coltness High School Parent Council, I agree to: Uphold the constitution of Coltness High School Parent Council. Work in the interest of the Parent Council at all times. Attend at least one of every three consecutive timetabled meetings. Resign if my child no longer attends Coltness High School. Direct all discussions through the Parent Council Chairperson. Respect all other opinions, views and beliefs. Treat all members and those in attendance with respect and dignity where no form of intimidation or harassment is tolerated. Promote equality of opportunity for all members. Not interrupt or disrupt and listen to all contributions. Refrain from personal criticisms and respect other

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Parent/Carers of Children Returning to School

Parents/carers of children returning to ELC and P1-3 I know that many parents and carers will be pleased that their children are able to return to their early learning and childcare (ELC) setting or to school next week. Some families might have concerns about safety. I’ve been asked to write to you to explain the reason for the decision to enable younger children to return to ELC and schools. As always, this decision has been informed by a range of scientific and clinical evidence. One key finding is that younger children are less likely to get or pass on the virus. Because of this, and the measures that are in place, we know that ELC settings and schools are low-risk settings for these

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How do I access West OS

How do I access West OS

Click to access How-do-I-access-West-OS.pdf West OS is accessible via Glow. All teachers and learners in your Local Authority now have access to the West OS tile within the App Library which you can add to your personal launchpad.

Half-term Hub Support

To assist colleagues directly dealing with the health response to the pandemic, we are providing childcare support over the school half-term holiday from Monday 8 to Wednesday 10 February at six school-based hubs. This service is only for key workers who are assisting with the ongoing health response with the NHS, other emergency services, or who are involved directly with the vaccination programme. We have very few childcare spaces and this service should only be accessed if absolutely necessary for children of key workers that are in early years, ASN, primary or secondary schools. The childcare support will be delivered by Culture and Leisure North Lanarkshire, Active Schools and Community Learning and Development providing a range of activities. Schools are not open due

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SCHOLAR Online Tutor Sessions – 1st February 2021 – 12th March 2021

SCHOLAR Online Tutor Sessions – 1st February 2021 – 12th March 2021

SCHOLAR’s upcoming Online Tutor Sessions are: Day Date Time Subject Level Topic Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday 02/02/2021 16/02/2021 02/03/2021 6pm 6pm 6pm Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry National 5 National 5 National 5 Chemical changes & structure Nature’s chemistry Chemistry in society Thursday Thursday Thursday 11/02/2021 25/02/2021 11/03/2021 6pm 6pm 6pm Biology Biology Biology National 5 National 5 National 5 Cell biology Multicellular organisms Life on Earth   For more information on how to take part in upcoming sessions, please visit SCHOLAR’s Online Tutor Sessions. Please note that worksheets will be available and should be attempted before some sessions. You can see regular updates via Twitter @SCHOLARuk and Facebook SCHOLARprogramme.

Key Worker

Dear Parent/ carers, In line with Scottish Government guidance, all schools, including primary, secondary, LCSC and additional support needs, as well as family learning centres and nurseries (local authority and partner providers), will be open from Wednesday 6 until Friday 8 January only for children of key workers and vulnerable families when childcare support will be provided. Parents/carers are signposted to the link below to access Key Worker guidance and to apply for this service. The information is being collated centrally and parents/carers will be contacted directly. There is a PDF on the website to allow parents/carers the option to print and send back if it is felt the form cannot be completed online. If this is the case please email the

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Online Learning January 2021

As of the 11th of January 2021 all pupils will be accessing lessons online through GLOW Teams. At the minute this is planned for the whole of this week BUT the Scottish Government will review this decision in early January. If any pupils do not have ICT to access this work please contact your PT PS from Wednesday 6th January onwards to have a discussion about how we can support this. From the 6th January 2021 the school can be accessed by the children of keyworkers, with information on this having already been dispatched by NLC last night via Groupcall email. We are also in the process of contacting other pupils to offer our support and access to the school. In relation to

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