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Braidhurst High School Art & Design pupils have been excitedly preparing decorative panels for the Hallowe’en Disco.   Pupils have worked alongside Art Teachers, Miss Galloway and Mr Clifford to paint Hallowe’en scenes, which were used to add a spooky feel to the disco on Wednesday 26th October.

Road Safety Competition

First and Second Year pupils from Braidhurst High Art and Design department are entering this year’s North Lanarkshire Road Safety Calendar competition.
They have come up with some slogans on a positive road safety theme and have developed many creative visual ideas to illustrate their work. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed laying out their poster ideas and are looking forward in the hope that they will be successful when the time for judging the competition comes around.


This year’s group of house captains have been chosen after being nominated by their peers and interviewed by pupil support teachers.   Representing their houses are:-

Amy Dishington and Jamie Lee Brennan for Atholl

Cameron Dickson and Chelsea Dykes for Lorne

Toni Jaye Knox and Maggie Baird for Morven, and

Tegan Quinton and Linzi McFarlane for Rannoch.

The house captains are expected to represent their house group within school and in the wider community and help to lead the organisation of the school’s inter-house event programme.


To celebrate the ‘European Day of Languages’ pupils took part in a range of activities, including: playing French boules in PE, making French crepes in Home Economics, singing French and German songs in Music, and learning some Gaelic.  Pupils also experienced their Science lesson being delivered in French and German by Dr Gardner whilst in the Modern Languages Department pupils created a ‘Wall of Hands’ around the school foyer of words and phrases in a number of European Languages.   The school Hub staff served a French breakfast to pupils and canteen menus were translated into French and German.   Help was on hand from S1 Gaelic speaker Niamh Miller, native French speakers Steven Vincent (S1) and Charlene Brandt (S2), and from Matei Lupascu (S2) who is from Romania, but is learning French and also speaks Greek!   All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the wide variety of activities and the chance to learn some words in other European Languages.


Robotics Master Class

Pupils of the Braidhurst High school robotics club had a visit from two lecturers from New Collage Lanarkshire, namely, Michael McGuire and Lisa Richardson, who were invited to deliver a master class on Vex robotics virtual programming.

The study of robotics inherently encompasses all facets of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). When students learn through exploration it increases motivation and desire to succeed. The club has been running for three years and now has pupils from S1 to S6. The pupils have been working hard to get their robots ready for the regional competition that will be held in the college campus next year. They will compete against other schools in North Lanarkshire.

Mr Hussain, the teacher who runs the club commented “ I am very grateful that the collage has supported us to help develop new skills for the coming competition. I am also very proud to have Lisa Richardson mentor my all girl robotics team.


The school library recently donated 29 boxes of non-fiction books to the Scottish charity Books Abroad, who will recycle the books and send them to schools and other institutions in developing countries.   The charity’s mission statement believes that through the promotion of literacy and education, children and young people, are provided with the means of a sustainable escape route from the plight of poverty.   Mrs Scott, the school librarian, would like to give a special thanks to her library volunteers, Charles Carroll and Sarah Cooper (both S6) for helping with the mammoth task of packing up and labelling each box of books.