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Achieving Success

A group of S4 pupils, who are part of the Achieve course, decided to organise events to raise money for charity.  The first of these events was a Staff Vs Pupils football match.  The event was held at lunchtime, with pupils paying £1 to witness the spectacle.  This turned out to be a great success with £84 being raised.  This will be split between St. Andrew’s Hospice and the Les Hoey Dream Maker Foundation.  Well done to all involved.  The pupils hope to follow this up in the future with a charity quiz event.


The first group of S2 pupils have just completed their Ceramics elective course in Art & Design.   They thoroughly enjoyed developing their tea-light design based on undersea creatures.   They hand built their pots using a coil building method before having them glazed fired.   A selection of their sketchbook work has been mounted in a display for all to see their superb work.


The first group of S1 pupils who had chosen to compile the termly Braidhurst Newsletter as their elective subject completed their task last week and will now move on to their next choice of class.   Throughout the term, the pupils have engaged in a number of activities in order to produce the outstanding newsletter which has been issued to pupils and parents.   Using their research, teamwork and interviewing skills, the pupils were able to report on aspects of Braidhurst life such as the new S1 intake, new teaching staff, the House and School Captains, the French and German assistants, the Sports; leadership Awards ceremony and the Braidhurst Fun Run, amongst many other events.   To complete their project, all pupils also produced a PowerPoint presentation, detailing the process and their experiences of producing the newsletter, these were shown to the Head Teacher, Mrs Carolyn Rooney.   In addition, the pupils also produced a PowerPoint presentation on ‘An Ideal Day in the Life Of …’ to encourage them to use their imagination and to access ICT in order to extend their knowledge of world geography and history.   All pupils thoroughly enjoyed working on the newsletter and they have set very high standards for the next elective group!


Ninety nine primary seven pupils from four different primary schools enjoyed a fun morning filled with different scientific experiments at Braidhurst High School.   The event involved twenty two sixth year pupils demonstrating, explaining and leading the younger children through the various activities.   The primary pupils had a great day with one stating, “I had a brilliant day, it was interesting and the sixth year helpers were great.    I would like to do it all again”.   This was down to the senior pupils’ excellent communication and organisational skills.   Many of the primary pupils commented on the kindness and words of encouragement offered by the S6 pupils.tony-and-tegan


Braidhurst High School Art & Design pupils have been excitedly preparing decorative panels for the Hallowe’en Disco.   Pupils have worked alongside Art Teachers, Miss Galloway and Mr Clifford to paint Hallowe’en scenes, which were used to add a spooky feel to the disco on Wednesday 26th October.

Road Safety Competition

First and Second Year pupils from Braidhurst High Art and Design department are entering this year’s North Lanarkshire Road Safety Calendar competition.
They have come up with some slogans on a positive road safety theme and have developed many creative visual ideas to illustrate their work. The pupils have thoroughly enjoyed laying out their poster ideas and are looking forward in the hope that they will be successful when the time for judging the competition comes around.