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Wednesday, 28th of March saw the finale of our seven week Storyteller project.  Twenty of our S2 pupils have been involved in this initiative, which has been supported by Pupil Equity Funding, and is part of our drive to improve Literacy levels across the Broad General Education phase of the school.  Pupils have worked with Storyteller, Bea Ferguson, who has led them through the process of creating their own stories and developing their public speaking skills.  At an afternoon tea for friends and family, pupils regaled an audience, which also included Primary 7 pupils from Muir Street Primary and residents from Baillie Court.  Our S5/6 Hospitality class provided home baking and did a fantastic job of ensuring that our guests were well looked after throughout the afternoon.  We are always proud of our pupils, but watching this S2 group rise to the challenge and deliver engaging, original stories was a special end of term treat.


Easter School 2018

Please see below for a copy of the Easter School timetable which will run on Tuesday 3rd of April 2018 and Wednesday 4th of April 2018.

IMPORTANT: Due to the ongoing renovations in the school this year’s programme will only run for two days instead of three however we have added an extra afternoon session for each day.

There will be restricted access to the school with only the technical block, music department and part of the business/ICT corridor being used. Pupils should access the building via the tuck shop area doorway. There will be a sign in sheet in the tuck shop area and a note of which rooms staff have been allocated to.

There will be no heating in the building so a jumper/sweatshirt is highly recommended.  Pupils should also bring a packed lunch as we will not have canteen facilities.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Easter School 2018 Timetable


Our ‘Storytelling Project’ is currently being delivered to twenty second-year pupils by storyteller Bea Ferguson and is shaping up to be a fantastic initiative.  Pupils are tasked with finding their own story (perhaps a family story passed down from grandparents or other relatives) or researching a local legend from the Motherwell area (examples would be ghost stories from Dalzell House or the flooded village of Bothwellhaugh).  Bea will then teach the pupils how to write and then “perform” their story to an invited audience of family and friends at a tea party which will take place just before the school Easter holidays.  Pupils also recently enjoyed a field trip to North Lanarkshire Heritage Centre where they learnt more about Motherwell’s mining history and had access to the local studies archives.  It is hoped that the project will have a positive impact on both the creative and personal reflective writing skills of pupils, whilst also building their self-esteem and positivity about their communities.

School closed

Message from NLC

Due to the severe weather warnings, ALL schools and nurseries in North Lanarkshire will be CLOSED tomorrow (Thursday 1 March). Please continue to seek advice on travel and safety from the Met Office and Transport Scotland.

We will update school website and twitter with updates about Friday as soon as we have any information.