There will be a parents’ evening for our new S1 pupils on Thursday 8th September in the school’s assembly hall running from 7pm until 9pm.  The meeting is used to encourage pupils to join one of the many extra-curricular clubs on offer at lunchtime or after school.  Parents will also have the chance to meet with staff to discuss raising pupil engagement with the school.

Mr Robot

As the new term begins at Braidhurst High School, the pupils from S2 are pictured with an array of electronic and robotics learning equipment. The pupils will over the next 10 weeks experience various electronic and robotics lessons. “I hope that after this short session they will have a basic understanding of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics)” comments Mr Hussain, who is running the course for the S2 and for the new S1 intake. Mr Hussain of the Science department further commented that the topics covered by the S1 and S2 electives will include Logic circuits, robotics and computer software / hardware architecture.

It is hoped that this exposure to STEM concepts will nurture creative advancement in robotics, electronics, and skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and much more. By the end of S2 Mr Hussain is hoping to put together a new team of young enthusiastic students who will then go on to take part in the VEX Competitions, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation (REC). In the competitions teams of students are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams from around the world in a game-based engineering challenge. Tournaments are held year-round at the regional and national levels; local champions go on to compete against the best in the world at VEX Worlds each April.

Mr Hussain has a background in science and engineering, having worked as a commissioning engineer for some of the most well known companies around the world, such as NASA in the United States and Mitsubishi in Japan. Robotics runs in the family as his wife works for a Scottish company called Touch Bionics (www.touchbionics.com/ ) based in Livingston, “she’s the real expert in the family”, comments Mr Hussain. The company is a real success story that Scotland should be celebrating and has offices in many countries as well as fabrication facilities in the United Sates.


On Friday 8 July, Her Royal Highness Princess Anne attended the opening of Forgewood Community Centre.  We were delighted to be invited to display some of the work from the school.   Logan Holbourne, Ellie Brady, Lauren Wright, Melissa Rodger, Holy Worton and Kieran and Ben McDougall gave up some of their own time during the school holidays to attend the event.   They were introduced to Princess Anne and were involved in taking her on a tour of the new facilities.   As a school we are extremely excited about this new addition in and for the community and look forward to working closely with those involved to create links for learning, life and work.


The annual summer school at Braidhurst High School took place on 1 August.

17 new first year pupils and 3 senior peer helpers enjoyed three days of activities.

The S1 pupils took part in junk drumming on the first morning followed by two workshops of science with Mr Hussain and technical with Miss McKenna in the afternoon.   On Tuesday, the pupils prepared lunch with Miss Fox and had a session of digital photography with staff from Summerlee Heritage Centre in Coatbridge taking photographs of themselves dressed up in a variety of costumes to take away.

Mr Marshall from the PE Department encouraged the pupils to learn some new skills on the trampoline while Mr Clifford from the art department made pottery with the young people.

Each day, the pupils gathered in the Hub and met both Mrs Ritchie and Mrs Jeffrey from the Learning Support Department.   They were able to make new friends and find their way around the school without worrying about getting lost.

On Wednesday, the entire group and three members of staff had a successful day trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park.

The summer school allows the young people to become more familiar with the secondary school setting and to meet some of the school staff before the new term begins.   Being more confident and positive at the start of secondary school gives the S1 pupils a positive step towards a successful transition from primary school.

Forgewood Community Centre


On Friday 8th of July, Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne attended the opening of Forgewood Community centre. We were delighted to be invited to display some of the work from the school. Logan Holbourne, Ellie Brady, Lauren Wright, Melissa Rodger,Holly Worton and Kieran and Ben McDougall gave up some of their own time during the school holidays to attend the event. they were introduced to Princess Anne and were involved in taking her on a tour of the new facilities. As a school we are extremely excited about this new addition in and for the community and look forward to working closely with those involved to create links for learning, life and work.

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