Second year French students at Braidhurst High School have been learning how to talk about ‘Food and Drink’ in France, and as part of their course, they were asked to work in pairs to devise an unusual and delicious ice cream sundae in French. The responses were outstanding, showing imagination, flair and linguistic competency. After much deliberation, Mrs Anne Macdonald, Depute Head Teacher, chose the sundae she considered best met the criteria for the task, as well as being the one she would most like to eat! Winners were Aaron Black and Tyler Tobin of 2L, with their coupe entitled ‘Le Grand Homme!’ Runners up were Molly Clarke of 2M with ‘Mont Chocolat’, Toni Dunsmore and Nicole Purdie of 2R with ‘La coupe Miam Miam!’ and Lynette Butcher and Lucy Blackwood of 2A with their ‘Banana Split’. The winners are pictured here with their prize – a real ice cream sundae complete with chocolate flake, strawberry sauce and lashings of cream!
The winners are members of the ‘School of Football’ and are pictured here with their football coaches, who were making sure that the ‘coupes’ were healthy and would not impede the boys’ performance on the football pitch!

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