Category Archives: Whole School News

Railway Safety

IMPORTANT message from the British Transport Police

As lockdown eases and the school holidays approach, we’re expecting trespassing to increase. 

If children and young people are drunk at a railway station or near the tracks, they’re heightening the risk that they will end up unintentionally getting injured on the railway. For this reason, we are urging parents to check in with their children as the summer holiday approach.

Do your teens know the devastating consequences of stepping on the tracks? Make sure your teens know that trespassing can have life-changing consequences by showing them the film at

Stepping onto the track at any time or in any circumstance is dangerous. 25,000 volts of electricity can jump from overhead cables, the electrified third rail looks just like an ordinary rail, and modern trains can almost silently reach speeds of 125mph.  

Football programme transition visit 2021

The football programme transition visit will take place on Tuesday the 15th of June, between 1.45pm to 3.30pm, registration will take place from 1.35pm.  You may already have received a letter detailing the visit, if not it is winging its way to you.

All football programme pupils will have the opportunity to take part in an induction session.

Pupils will require:

  • Football boots/trainers
  • Football kit
  • Shin guards
  • Water

Please accompany your child to the front gates of the school where they will be escorted into the building by guides. I would also ask that parents/carers do not stand on the pavement behind the pitch or on the grass embankment at the side of the pitch.

We are looking forward to meeting youP7!


On Monday 1st June, the school welcomed our local P7 pupils from Muir Street Primary, Logans Primary, and Ladywell Primary for a S1 transition event. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic the transition arrangements had to be adjusted in order to keep pupils and staff safe. However, it was important that our incoming pupils still had an opportunity to visit the school and meet key members of staff, including our SMT, Pupil Support teachers, Learning Support staff and senior pupil representatives.

During the event pupils were kept in their P7 class bubbles and experienced a guided tour of the school building by our senior pupils who pointed out areas of interest, such as the school canteen, tuck shop area and library. Pupils also had the opportunity to watch a short film which introduced all members of staff and their areas of work which helped to give them an insight into the Braidhurst community.    Our young STEM leaders also demonstrated various science experiments.   We are really looking forward to welcoming our newest S1 pupils in August.

Pride Alliance June 2021

Happy Pride Month!

This month, not only to we have the great fortune to celebrate the green, nature, stripe of the LGBT+ flag, it is also Pride Month in the UK.

From the 1st to the 30th of June the LGBT+ community celebrates in a number of different ways.  Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognising the influence LGBT+ people have had around the world.

You might wonder why June was chosen for this celebration.  It is the month when the Stonewall Riots took place, way back in 1969.  These riots are viewed as the moment the LGBT+ equality movement was born

As well as being a month long celebration, Pride month is also an opportunity to peacefully protest and raise political awareness of current issues facing the community.  Parades are a prominent feature of Pride month, and there are many street parties, community events, poetry readings, public speaking, street festivals and educational sessions all of which are covered by mainstream media and attracting millions of participants.

Nature is really coming into bloom this month and usually Pride involves lots of outdoor events and parades.  Unfortunately, this year many of the usual Pride events have to be held on-line due to the coronavirus pandemic.  However, LGBT Youth Scotland have come up with a way around this, a Pride Picnic!

If you would like to learn more about the Pride Picnic initiative or how to organise your own Pride Picnic check out the following link:

Future Fridays

You may have heard already but our secondary school week is changing. We’re moving to a four and a half day week from August 2021, which means that school will officially finish at 12.30pm on a Friday.

This follows a council review which recommended that schools should offer more structured pathways in work-based learning and routes to employment to enhance and improve young people’s prospects after leaving school.

There will be no reduction to the key curriculum subjects. Monday to Thursday will finish at 3.45pm and in place of that extra period on a Friday afternoon young people in secondary schools can voluntarily attend a wide range of extra curricular activities through Future Fridays.

It’s really exciting. Some people will have access to activities they’ve never done before, and for others, there will be workshops and projects to enhance existing skills or to learn new ones.

The fresh and lively programme spans the fields of employability, music, sport and arts, health and wellbeing, digital learning, outdoor education, and academic and leadership development to give young people greater opportunities to be job-ready, independent, confident and better equipped for post- school experiences.

After all, it’s your future, so grab opportunities while you can.

CLICK HERE to find out more

P7 Transition Event

We look forward to welcoming P7 pupils to a transition event on Tuesday the 1st of June.  The video contains some information on what pupils will do when they come for their visit.  In addition, Miss Kerr has sent all pupils a letter containing an invite and some essential forms.  If parents could fill the forms in and ask their child to bring them into school during their visit it would be much appreciated.  See you soon P7!