Category Archives: Whole School News

Christmas Concert Update

Unfortunately due to the school being used as a polling station for the election we are unable to go ahead this year with our Christmas concert.

We are all extremely disappointed as rehearsals have been going well and this is always a highlight in our school year. We did look at the possibility of alternative venues but the logistics of transporting pupils and equipment along with creating rehearsal time at the venue were proving too difficult especially during exam time for pupils. Alternative dates were also considered but not feasible at this busy time of year. We will be looking to see how we can create additional ways of showcasing our young peoples’ talent in the new year.

Mrs Rooney


The school hosted a very successful open evening on Tuesday 22nd October. This event invited parents/carers and pupils from our cluster primary schools and current S1 and S2 year group and aimed to highlight what Braidhurst can offer young people in terms of their education, the wider school community and also the steps the school are taking to ensure that our pupils reach a positive destination when they leave.

Those in attendance began their evening in the school assembly hall where they could speak with staff and find out information on a variety of topics, including school clubs, our developing the young workforce programme, and pastoral support.

Groups were then taken on a guided tour of the school by senior pupils with parents/carers and pupils visiting departments and discover what pupils experience in each area of the school.


Braidhurst’s annual Halloween disco proved to be another great event in the school’s calendar. The event was organised by the senior pupils and ably led by the school captains. The junior pupils thoroughly enjoyed the scary corridor and the spooky games. The seniors took their responsibilities seriously and throughout the night demonstrated initiative to ensure the evening ran smoothly.


The school’s annual inter-house potted sports competition took place on Friday 11th October. Pupils represented each of the four houses in their year groups and navigated their way around a potted sports course.

The final results were as follows:

  • S1 winner – Morven
  • S2 winner – Lorne
  • S3 winner – Lorne
  • S4 winner – Atholl.


The school’s St Andrew’s Hospice ambassadors for 2019-2020 are Marc Leslie, Caitlin Diggle, Chloe McDerment, and Sarah Leighton. Congratulations to each of the pupils who will be working on fundraising ideas and organising events over the coming school year. Mr Campbell, PT Science, will undertake to the role of co-ordinator between the school and the charity.