Category Archives: Sciences

NLC Excellence and Equity Awards

The awards keep coming for Braidhurst high S4 pupil Melissa Rodger, who recently received the Pupils Leading Learning award at the North Lanarkshire Excellence and Equity Awards ceremony, held in the Civic Theatre. Melissa was also given the honour of the vote of thanks to close the event.

In front of many stakeholders in education she thanked all who attended from the host Heather Reid OBE, Isabelle Boyd CBE to Sir John Jones who gave an inspirational setting the scene seminar.

It has been a busy year for this Braidhurst High School student as she has had to, balance the success of receiving several awards, including the Princess Diana Award which is given to young citizens who have had a positive impact in the lives of young people, to her work in meeting the Scottish Governments desire to encourage the uptake of Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics (STEM), and keeping up with her school work for the SQA exams.

Well done to this very hard working and committed student.