Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Support for Young People

During these challenging times please access support from the agencies below to support your mental health and wellbeing.

You can also contact Linda McGurk, Home School Partnership Officer on Tel 01698 274999 or email and Linda can signpost you to appropriate agencies.

See Me:

“See Me” is Scotland’s national campaign to end the stigma and discrimination of mental ill-health.


Advice for young people about what to do when they have problems that are worrying them.


Helpline for young people to discuss any problems or concerns.

Self Harm UK:

Provides self harm recovery, advice and support for young people.

Chris’s House:

Tel 01698 373570 or Tel 01236 766755

Centre for help, response and intervention surrounding suicide.

You Are My Sunshine (YAMS):

Support and advice for people affected by mental health illness


Useful Contact Numbers

  • Samaritans 116123 (24 hour service)
  • Breathing Space 0800 838 587  (call between 6pm-2am)
  • Childline free 0800 1111
  • Parent /carers can access support from SAMH’s Well Informed free service on 0800 073 0918

Supporting children during unsettled times

Dear Parents /Carers

Following advice from the Scottish Government to close educational establishment today, we fully recognise that from today children and young people may be at home for a long period of time and we have produced a suite of materials to support their learning – further information about materials will be sent to you in due course.

Understandably, this is an unsettling time for children, young people and their carers and many people will be feeling anxious about the current situation and the impact that it may have on the health and wellbeing of family, friends and colleagues.

For this reason we have also included information to help you reassure your child.  Many of these resources have been developed in collaboration with South Lanarkshire Council.  The attached document provides some advice and guidance.

We will continue to up-date this resource and ensure that it is widely available online.  You will be notified of these updates next week.

Thank you for your on-going support during these challenging times.


Derek Brown

Executive Director

Please click to view/ download: Supporting Children Interactive


The school hosted a Mental Health Day on Friday 13th March for our S3 pupils which was organised by Miss Pennock, Mr Barr and Miss Burns. S3 pupils participated in a series of workshops aimed at encouraging positive mental health and each session also offered advice and strategies on how to distress and keep anxiety and depression at bay. The workshops on offer to pupils were sessions from ‘You are my Sunshin’ (YAMS), Mandala colouring, Windmill Café, Tai Chi, Fun Fitness and Football for Fun, and Pilates. All pupils thoroughly enjoyed the day and gained some invaluable advice.


On Tuesday 10th March, S1 and P7 pupils and their parents, took part in Science or Music workshops after school which aimed to encourage parental engagement in the learning of our young people. Parents and carers were given the chance to see science and music teaching in action in the classrooms whilst also having some fun as they were learning. Thank you to our fantastic staff for organising the very successful event – Mrs McGurk, Home School Partnership Officer, and the staff of the Music and Science departments.


On Friday 17th January the School of Football programme ran a nutrition workshop for S1 pupils. The workshop was led by Jill Johnson from North Lanarkshire Leisure who educated the pupils regarding healthy eating and basic principles of good nutrition. The visit also included the innovative smoothie bike allowing combining a great way to exercise with a unique and fun way of making a healthy smoothie.