All posts by Mr Hamilton

Update: Face Coverings

From Monday 31 August face coverings should be worn by staff and pupils when:

  • adults and young people in secondary schools (including special schools) are moving about the school in corridors and confined communal areas (including toilets), where physical distancing is particularly difficult to maintain;

  • adults, young people and children aged 5 and over are travelling on dedicated school transport.

We appreciate that some staff and children and young people will be unable to wear a face covering for good reasons and that position will be respected.

Staff and pupils should ensure they:

  • bring their own face coverings to school
  • store these safely in a washable, sealable bag or container when not in use
  • wash reusable face coverings in hot water at the end of each day
  • safely and hygienically dispose of disposable face coverings after use

Please remember that a face covering can be as simple as a scarf, snood or other piece of cloth which covers the nose and mouth.

Further information on face coverings is available from the Scottish Government website:

Full face covering guidance is available on this link:

Update from Mrs Rooney

To all Parents & Carers

We have had a great week! It was lovely to welcome our pupils back to Braidhurst and watch our school come alive again. They did you proud looking very smart in their uniforms and doing everything they were asked to do.

We are doing our very best to mitigate any risk in our school. Our risk assessment can be viewed by clicking the link below. I have also added the presentation which was shown to all pupils with instructions on how we can keep our community safe.

Risk Assessment Aug 2020

Return Post Lockdown

The situation, as you know is constantly changing and I just want to update you on some things for next week. Apologies for ‘information overload’ but it is important you are kept fully informed of these changes.

1. Timetable

You may be aware that the Scottish Government have advised that pupils should be taught in ‘big blocks’ of learning. This results in less contact with different teachers, more time in class, which helps compensate for staggered lunch and departure times, and cuts down in the movement around the school. Similar to secondary schools in North Lanarkshire we are therefore going to introduce double periods for every pupils. The timetable is delivered over a two week period.

Week 1

Week 2

Period 1 (for periods 1 and 2)

Period 3 (for periods 3 and 4)

Period 5

Period 6 (for periods 6 and 7)

Period 2 (for periods 1 and 2)

Period 4 (for periods 3 and 4)

Period 5

Period 7 (for periods 6 and 7)

2. Lunch

As you will be aware North Lanarkshire have introduced an app, Fusion, to order their lunch. They are also introducing a cashless system for school payments. Information can be found on:

Parents can apply for a free school meal using the link below:

There are issues with the tills at present which we are trying hard to solve. As a result until Friday 21st of August pupils can put cash on their card or pay by exact money. All pupils should order via the app. Ordered lunches can be picked up at the start of lunch and NOT 1pm as stated on app. Any pupil who needs a lunch will receive one. Please ask them to come to canteen and speak to DHT if they need one and have either not been able to go on the app or put money on their card.

Our arrangements will be changing for next week. S1/2 will be dismissed slightly early for lunch to enable them to access the dining hall first and enable social distancing.

3. PE

Pupils are unable to access changing rooms as present. Therefore, on the days pupils have PE or football, they should wear their PE kit and blazer to school. This includes:-

  • Plain white T-shirt or one with school logo
  • Plain black joggers or leggings
  • Outdoor jacket

We take pride in our high standards of uniform and will expect all pupils to return to full uniform as soon as we can access changing rooms.

4. Forms

  • Please return all forms – data check, GDPR, ICT consent form – as soon as possible. It is imperative we have the most up to date contact information for your child.
  • We are living different times and instructions and advice is changing on a regular basis. We will keep you informed through our social media – website, twitter and school app.

Mrs Rooney


Letters to Parents

We are in the process of sending out letters to all parents and carers of every Braidhurst pupil (S1 to S6). Some of the information is specific to certain year groups therefore please read carefully. You can view or download a copy of these letters below by clicking on the links.

S1 to S3

S4 to S6

Information and advice is changing on an almost daily basis. You can find lots of useful info on the NLC frequently asked questions (click here) and also keep a lookout on our main school website and social media channels.

If you still have a question you feel is not covered by the above please feel free to contact us using our form: click here


SQA will issue certificates to pupils on Tuesday, 4th August, those pupils who have signed up to ‘My SQA’ will gain access to their results from 8am.

On Wednesday, 5th August, pupils and parents can discuss results and/or make changes to their options with a member of the SMT.  Due to current restrictions these meetings will be by appointment and only the pupil and one parent/carer can attend.  Appointments need to be made in advance, please phone the school on 01698 274999 between 10am and 2pm to arrange a suitable time.

If pupils are intending to leave the school, please contact the school to discuss completion of a leavers form.

Diana Award 2020

Congratulations to Jenna Young on becoming the recipient of the Diana Award. This award recognises social action or humanitarian work and is one of the most prestigious accolades a young person aged 9-25 years can receive.

As leader of the Braidhurst STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Club, Jenna helped many pupils to successfully design, build and refine cutting edge technological systems. She is passionate about encouraging females into the world of engineering, is an excellent role model and demonstrates an on-going commitment to the Scottish Government’s STEM strategy by selflessly dedicating her time to help and encourage others. Jenna inspires pupils of all ages to study Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths subjects in school which she hopes will enable likeminded people to maximise their future career opportunities.

For many years, Jenna has devoted her lunchtimes and afternoons to lead a successful and popular Robotics club within Braidhurst High School. She has successfully created a fun and welcoming learning environment and fulfilled her aim of encouraging other pupils to both appreciate and enjoy STEM subjects by using up-to-date technology.

This young ambassador has encouraged and stimulated the interest of younger pupils by ensuring that the robotics club maintains a profile at school events. It is hoped that this exposure to STEM concepts will nurture creative advancement in robotics and electronics, allow others to develop their skills in leadership, communication and teamwork and so much more. The foundations of building our future engineers are being fostered by the club.

Well done Jenna, we are all very proud of your achievement!