As we prepare for next session our biggest challenge has been accommodation. Keeping desks 2m apart has restricted class sizes to an average of 10 pupils. As current advice indicates children will return to a “blended” model of learning, attending school for two days each week and then completing home learning tasks during the remaining three days. As per council advice we will continue to use Microsoft Teams as a platform for any digital learning. Although we are waiting on final confirmation from education and families our provisional days for next term are as follows:
S1: Monday and Tuesday
S2: Tuesday and Friday
S3: Monday and Friday
S4: Wednesday and Thursday
S5/6: Wednesday and Thursday
This may change over the holidays depending on advice from Scottish Government. We have split each day into three larger blocks, effectively double periods, to ensure pupils receive an appropriate balance of subjects while also minimising any travel around the school.
We may also have to slightly alter our school day to minimise the number of children entering and exiting the building at any one time. We have also spent a considerable amount of time working out how pupils will safely access the building and routes around it. I will issue more detailed information on all of the above nearer the date we are due to return to school.
Pupils will have to preorder a snack for interval and a lunch if required. They will be unable to access the water machines so should bring a bottle of water with them if required.
Pupils should receive their SQA results on Tuesday 4th of August. If any pupils would like to discuss possible subject changes for next session our re-coursing day will be on Wednesday 5th August from 9.30am – 1.30pm. As August will be very busy it is essential that if you want to make any changes then you make every effort to attend the re-coursing session.
Pupils will return on Wednesday 12th of August, if scheduled to attend that day.
These arrangements will stay in place until the Scottish Government and North Lanarkshire Council make any changes in line with the roadmap out of lockdown.
I would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout these very challenging times.