Update from Mrs Rooney

Dear Parent/Carer

I hope this letter finds you and your family safe and well.

As you know North Lanarkshire Council have now started to share information regarding the plans to return to school in August.  I am sure you can appreciate, there are a lot of decisions to be made to ensure all necessary health and safety requirements are met. This remains the key driver in all decisions.

Our staff have returned to school to prepare classrooms and the school environment for the new way of working. We are making sure all seats are 2m apart which will mean that pupils will need to be taught in smaller groups.

During the recovery period the priority is to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID 19. We have concluded that the safest approach is for pupils not to wear ties or blazers. We are expecting them to wear a white school shirt, black school trousers/skirt and black shoes or plain black trainers. A black v-neck or cardigan can also be worn. On days pupils have PE they should wear plain black joggers and white T-shirt with no writing or logos. This will mean they will not have to get changed for PE. Our young people may have to spend more time in the playground, waiting to come into the building, during intervals or lunchtime, so should bring a waterproof jacket with them. As soon as we come out of recovery we will immediately revert back to full uniform which will include a blazer and tie. As you are all aware our standards of dress at Braidhurst are high and we are keen to ensure we maintain these standards through this time.

Please be reassured staff at Braidhurst are working very hard to make sure we have a safe environment for all staff and pupils in August. We appreciate this is an anxious time for parents but please trust that I am doing my very best to ensure we provide what is best for all in our school community.

We will issue further information as soon as we have more to share. Please keep an eye on our website/app for updates.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mrs Rooney
