Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I thought I would give you an update on last week and on how we intend to move forward.
Microsoft Teams is now up and running for every class. Every pupil should be assigned to their class. They are also assigned to a year group enabling us to meet with them on a weekly basis and answer any questions they may have and provide information relevant to their specific year group. These will be organised through Teams as follows:-
S1 – Monday 1.15pm
S2 – Tuesday 1.15pm
S3 – Wednesday 12.10pm
S4 – Tuesday 12.10pm
S5 – Tuesday 1.30pm
S6 – Thursday 1.30pm
If you, or your child, are experiencing any difficulty, we might be able to help in the following ways: –
- No ICT or internet access. Phone the school on 01698 274999 and ask to speak to the Principal Teacher of Pupil Support who is on duty. Due to COVID protocols we cannot have all Principal Teachers in each day.
- Lost or forgotten GLOW Username or password. If you visit the school website and complete the form someone will get back to you. Alternatively phone the school to ask that this be reset.
- Having difficulty accessing specific aspects of the curriculum. In the first instance ask your son/daughter to message their class teacher through Teams. If this doesn’t fix the problem, then contact their Principal Teacher of Pupil Support by phoning the school or send an email as follows:
Atholl House
Laura Lyttle:
Lorne House
Jenna Young:
Morven House
Mark Paterson:
Rannoch House
Marie McHugh:
Angela McIntyre:
Speak to us about any pastoral issues. Phone the school on 01698 274999 and ask to speak to the duty Principal Teacher of Pupil Support. In an emergency, please ask to speak to the member of the senior management team on duty.
This week we will be checking to see how well pupils have been engaging with their online learning. It is vital all pupils engage with the work being set. We will review the information provided by staff and be in touch if there is an issue.
Some parents/carers have been in touch requesting information on online learning and how they can support their child access and complete work. We are in the process of organising an online information session for parents, details will be communicated to parents when this has been arranged.
S4/5/6 Reports will be posted out during the week beginning the 8th of February.
In the meantime, we appreciate this is a stressful time for everyone. We ask for your patience and support in helping your child get through this challenging and unprecedented period. If you have any worries or concerns, we are here to help. Please keep in touch and let us know of any concerns or issues and we will do our utmost to help.
Yours faithfully,
Head Teacher
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