The Modern Languages Department ran its annual Easter Egg competition last week and, as usual, entries were of a high standard. After much consideration the winners were declared as follows:

First prize –  (S1) Amy McCoull – Les oeufs qui brillent!

Second Prize – (S2) joint entry Lucy Lawrence and Gemma Baird  – Des oeufs au café.

Third Prize – (S2) Thomas Hogg- Le nid de Robin.

Commended were: Melinda Tamas, Lisa Blair,  Marc Leslie, Aaron Cairns, Jamie Kinnen, Rhys Brown, Zakk Crawford, Jamie Rowlands, Oliwia Marek, Charlotte Hemmings, Jade Brennan, and Braidhurst’s multi-talented classroom assistant Mrs Sweeney with her entry ‘La Reine des Coeurs’ (The Queen of Hearts).

All entries received a certificate, chocolate egg and house points.