The first group of S1 pupils who had chosen to compile the termly Braidhurst Newsletter as their elective subject completed their task last week and will now move on to their next choice of class.   Throughout the term, the pupils have engaged in a number of activities in order to produce the outstanding newsletter which has been issued to pupils and parents.   Using their research, teamwork and interviewing skills, the pupils were able to report on aspects of Braidhurst life such as the new S1 intake, new teaching staff, the House and School Captains, the French and German assistants, the Sports; leadership Awards ceremony and the Braidhurst Fun Run, amongst many other events.   To complete their project, all pupils also produced a PowerPoint presentation, detailing the process and their experiences of producing the newsletter, these were shown to the Head Teacher, Mrs Carolyn Rooney.   In addition, the pupils also produced a PowerPoint presentation on ‘An Ideal Day in the Life Of …’ to encourage them to use their imagination and to access ICT in order to extend their knowledge of world geography and history.   All pupils thoroughly enjoyed working on the newsletter and they have set very high standards for the next elective group!