North Lanarkshire council recently appointed Mrs Carolyn Rooney as Head Teacher to replace Mr Derrick Hannan who will be retiring at the end of this session.   Mrs Rooney is currently Depute Head at Cumbernauld Academy and she comes to the post with a wealth of experience.   Mrs Rooney was previously a Principal Teacher of mathematics before being appointed as Depute Head in Abronhill High.  Thereafter when Abronhill and Cumbernauld High merged to form Cumbernauld Academy she was appointed Depute in the new school.   Her degree is in mathematics and English and after gaining the Scottish Qualification for Headship she went on to study for a master’s degree.   The retiring Head Teacher Mr Hannan said, “I am absolutely delighted with the appointment of my successor.   She is an elder in the Church of Scotland and is married with a son and daughter.   Her son is training for the ministry so hopefully she will maintain the strong Christian ethos of Braidhurst High.   I am sure that the entire school will warm to her and offer her their full support”.

New HT Jun 15