Pupils at Braidhurst High School bade a sad farewell to the French Assistant, Marjolaine Zerbib last week.   Marjolaine has spent the year working with the children and they have engaged in numerous speaking activities and games in French.   She has worked with small groups, helping them to extend their knowledge of the language and culture of France, as well as assisting them with French pronunciation.   Marjolaine also took part in the Outdoor Classroom experience, when she accompanied S1 pupils as they completed a bike tour of Strathclyde Park and filled in a task booklet in French.   In addition, Marjolaine ran a French Club at lunchtimes and worked with Braidhurst’s Associated Primary Schools to deliver their French curriculum.   In her spare time, Marjolaine travelled extensively throughout Scotland and also joined a variety of groups, including a music ensemble, where she played the cello.   Marjolaine enjoyed her residence in Scotland so much that she plans to return in the future and will certainly keep in touch with members of the department on a regular basis.


She is wished a ‘Bon vovage’ for her trip home to France.

French assistant