On Monday the 3rd of March the Braidhurst second year netball team were playing against Lomond High School from Helensburgh in a home game for a place in the Bronze stage of the Scottish Cup final.

The girls, Aimee, Lucy, Hannah, Amber, Kristie, Taylor, Rachel and Danielle were feeling  nervous before the match but by the end of the first quarter they led 4-3 which became 5-4 by half time.

The girls worked hard throughout the third quarter and at the end this resulted in a score of 11-5.

Before the fourth quarter began Miss Lilly and Ms. McKenna praised the girls for their hard work and strong team work skills shown throughout the last quarter, particularly our shooters. The girls went back on for their last quarter in a confident mood. The game finished with a score of 16-7 to Braidhurst and they were over the moon along with their coaches.

The girls as usual showed their good sportsmanship by giving the other team a ‘Three cheers’ and later getting a group picture with them. They did the school and themselves proud.