Click here → Primary 5 home learning weekly timetable week 4
Check the timetable to see when you have a ***LIVE SESSION***
The focus in Week 4 will be on developing Reading skills. Mrs Manning will be working with each of the groups developing comprehension skills. Further information and resources to support your home learning is detailed below.
Support Group click on the link below to view Mrs Rowan and Miss Kelso’s timetable for this week.
Monday 1st February 2021
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 10am whole class to go over weekly timetable.
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 11.15 am Horowitz Reading Group
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 1.30 pm Walliams Reading Group.
Resilience Alphabet Challenge
We are all working to develop our resilience. Having resilience is really important as it is that quality that keeps us going when things get tough and don’t go our way! One of the ways we are doing this is by using the Resilience Alphabet. Alex chose the letter X this morning and the theme of X is all about how music can help change your mood, help your brain to grow and be active. So lets do some activities and see how it works.
Listen to music, you can dance, sing along or just enjoy it quietly
Make up your own song
Find objects to make your own instrument. For example pots and pans with a wooden spoon.
Send me in some pictures and videos and lets talk more about this Friday and see if we feel music really does make a difference to the way we feel!!!
4 week spell check -Please revise your words for the last 4 weeks home learning. Mrs Manning will be having a spell check on Friday at 1.30pm for the Topaz and Sapphires group. Diamonds and Pearls your test will be the following week.
Primary 5 Topaz Group level 5
- Click on the link above to get your new spelling words for the week. Write/type your words out twice in your lined jotter and write sentences for 10 of your new words.
- Complete one of the spelling challenge activity cards which can be downloaded on link below.
Spelling Challenge Activity Cards
Spelling 2
Spelling booklet
Words ending el, al and il – page 7 complete in booklet
1. Times Tables Daily Practice Booklet-complete a challenge each day. All groups
**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work.
Learning Intention: the second decimal place
TJ 2a page 38/39 questions 5 to 12
Squares and Triangles
Learning Intention:
to be able to double (x2) or treble(x3) any number
TJ 1b page 31 questions 1 to 4
I.D.L Scotland Planner
This is the last week of the Scotland IDL planner. Complete any activities you have not yet done.
Health and Well Being – PE
Why not try and steadily improve your fitness with this 5 week program. Week 1 start on Monday with 10 of each of the activities. Tuesday increase this to 12 of each activity and so on until Friday when hopefully you are managing 18 of each activity. Mrs Manning will try as well and see how she gets on!!!!!!
Sporting Favourites Quiz
Click on the link below to try the sporting favourites quiz.
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet- complete a challenge each day. All groups
**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**
Learning Intention:
the second decimal place
TJ2a page 39 questions 13,14,15
Squares and Triangles
Learning Intention:
to be able to divide 2 digits by 4(no remainder)
TJ page 47/48 question 1,2,3,4
Spelling and Grammar Booklet
Instead of Said page 22
Nice Words page 23
I.D.L Scotland Planner
See separate menu. Download planner and choose an activity
Go on to Mrs McDougall’s blog page and click on the Primary 5 tab
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 1.30 pm Circles Maths Group
Dahl 1 Group (Grey B)
Charlie and Alice: A Friend in Need.
Now click on the link below and answer the comprehension questions Mrs Manning has made up for you.
Dah1 Grey B Charlie and Alice a Friend in Need
Dahl Group (Grey A)
Charlie and Alice: Finding a Friend.
Dahl group Grey A Charlie and Alice Finding a Friend
Now click on the link below and answer the comprehension questions Mrs Manning has made up for you.
Morpurgo Group (Brown B)
Damian Drooth Ace Detective:
Now click on the link below and answer the comprehension questions Mrs Manning has made up for you.
Morpurgo Group Brown B Damian Drooth
Walliams Group (Brown A)
Mountain Tales of Norway :
Now click on the link below and answer the comprehension questions Mrs Manning has made up for you.
Walliams Group Mountain Tales of Norway
Horowitz Group (Lime)
Dreamworks Dragons: When Lightning Strikes:
Now click on the link below and answer the comprehension questions Mrs Manning has made up for you.
Horowitz Group When Lightning Strikes.
Health and Well Being – PE
Why not try and steadily improve your fitness with this 5 week program. Week 1 start on Monday with 10 of each of the activities. Tuesday increase this to 12 of each activity and so on until Friday when hopefully you are managing 18 of each activity. Mrs Manning will try as well and see how she gets on!!!!!!
Sporting Favourites Quiz
Click on the link below to try the sporting favourites quiz.
1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet -complete a challenge each day. All groups
**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**
Circles- Introducing Decimals
Learning Intention:
the third decimal place
TJ2a page 40
Squares and Triangles
Learning Intention:
to be able to divide 2 digits by 4 (no remainder)
TJ questions 5 and 6
Complete page 28 questions 3 to 9. Show your workings please.
Chilli Challenge Problems
Click on the link below to try the chilli challenge problem of the day
Mild to Extra Hot Challenges -record your answers in your jotter and see how you get on. We will discuss some of your strategies on Friday. Click on the link to download and try the challenges.
I.D.L Scotland Planner
See separate menu. Download planner and choose an activity
Little Art School You Tube Video- Click on the link below to learn how to draw a robin.
Thursday 4th February 2021
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 10 am Dahl 1 Reading Group
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 11am Dahl Reading
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 1.30pm Morpurgo Reading Group
1. Times Tables Daily Practice booklet all groups
**Please complete all TJ work in squared jotter provided. Remember to date and title your work. We will assess work at live session on Friday.**
Learning Intention: the third decimal place
TJ 2a page 40
Squares and Triangles
Learning Intention:
Dividing by 4 with remainders
TJ page 50
Health and Well Being
What is resilience? It is the ability to keep going when things don’t go as we expect, and to have a good way of talking about and thinking about our feelings.
Having resilience means we can look after ourselves and prepare ourselves for whatever might happen.
Failing helps us to learn what doesn’t work
Try ..Fail.. Try Again.. Success
Today we are going to look at the resilience alphabet letter C is for Choice. With the lockdown in place we are not able to spend time doing things we would normally do.
Try the DO activity and we can share our list of all the things we can still do.
Continuing on from last week we are going to use the same slow writing criteria to write a quality paragraph describing the setting outside the window in your house or in your local area. You must follow the slow writing success criteria in slide 3 of the power-point to write your descriptive paragraph. Click on the link below to remind yourself of the criteria on slide 3 of the powerpoint!
Describing a setting – Slow writing
Happy Writing!!!!
Remember to write in sentences using capital letters and full stops.
Click on the link below to learn about the french names for animals/pets. Complete the tutorial and then play the games to test your knowledge.
Sumdog/Education City
Mrs Manning has set work on Sumdog and Education City.
Sumdog- multiplication and division
Education City-direct speech games
Friday 5th February 2021
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 10 am whole class Resilience Alphabet
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 11 am Horowitz Reading Group
***LIVE SESSIONS*** on Teams at 1130 am Walliams Reading Group
***Finish off any tasks not yet completed***
***Complete all decimal work up to end of page 39***
Squares and Triangles
***Complete all division work up to end of page 50***
Health and Well Being
Resilience Alphabet- whole class Teams at 10am
Phonics Spelling and Vocabulary Booklet
Please complete the next 2 pages of your booklet
Nice words page 23
Synonyms page 24
Outdoor Learning
Click on the link below to look at ‘Natures Calendar’ for February. See how many of the birds you can spot in your garden?surrounding area.
You might want to try drawing some of the birds
Listen to the bird sound recordings and then go outside and listen really, really carefully. Can you hear any of the birds?
Mrs Manning would love to see your drawings, photographs, recordings of bird-sound.