Today we have just finished doing our first writing baseline of 2020. We wrote about ‘My Best Day Ever’. Also today we have just watched our assembly online and Mrs Robertson was teaching us all about ‘Keeping Safe’. This was really helpful as it gave us good advice about staying safe online.
In our Egyptians topic we have been learning about hieroglyphics and we wrote our name using the symbols on cardboard and gave it a sand effect!
In Literacy we have been learning about homophones, in particular when to use there, their and they’re. Also we have been developing our comprehension skills using our reading books. We have also started working on our group spelling words in class.
In Maths the Circles have been learning about negative numbers, divisibility (2,4,5) and multiplying by 100 and 1000! Squares and Triangles have been adding on in 50s and 25s and learning startegies for adding and subtracting. It has been a really busy week in Maths and we have all worked really hard!
Also our online homework started this week. We had a few ‘teething ‘problems at the beginning however hopefully we should be all set for next week!
In Music with Mrs McDougal we were listening to classic tunes and then listening to the remixes. We discussed if we liked the remix and gave Mrs McDougal a reason why. We also did Just Dance.
We have a new boy in our class and his name is Kai. He has already made loads of friends and it feels like he has been here for ever!
Every morning we try to do a little bit of French. We have been learning our colours months, date, days, numbers and asking how you are and what your name is. We all feel we are really making good progress with our French….C’est fantastique!!!
Oh and how could we forget Kai and Alex found a beetle and lunchtime in the playground. They showed it to the class when we went in and told us some very interesting information about beetles they had found out!
We hope you enjoyed reading our news.
i loved it
Great glad you enjoyed hearing about our week.
P5 have a a very busy but exiting week. Looking forward to hearing about all your learning this year.
Thanks I have been trying to get some pictures up but struggling with the picture resolution.