Supporting children and young people with ASN

COVID-19 has changed life as we know it. It has impacted everything from how we spend our time to routine and has impacted every one of us – especially those with ASN.

The following Guidance contains information about how COVID-19 is affecting children and young people with ASN and detail on how to support them. There are practical strategies included and useful tips and links that will hopefully help you add to the approaches you have used so far to make this extremely distressing time as comfortable as possible for your loved one.

Guidance to support ASN

A number of key resources have been pulled from the Guidance and are listed below. These may prove useful in giving you quick and direct access to the things that may be causing you immediate concern.

Supporting Children with ASD

Creating Positive Routines

Pandemic Toolkit from Bruce Perry

Practical Strategies and Resources

Managing anxiety during COVID 19

Reducing Anxiety