Tag Archives: Learning


writing1I have dyslexia.
Dyslexia is something that makes you learn differently and can sometimes make you learn slower. It isn’t a bad thing because there will be other things that you are good at and it also has nothing to do with how clever you are.
In my school we have lots of things to help me. We have regular dyslexia meetings. At these meetings we talk about how we are getting on and what could make things better. In every class we also have a help box with materials that I can use with my work.
I am one of the oldest in our school with dyslexia. I have been to lots of different places to talk about it. I have been to Murray field, the Holiday Inn and other schools. I hope that what I have to say about it helps other children.

By Sol McRobie

Learning in Primary 7C




In class we take our work seriously but the teacher makes it fun and it is… well most of the time. The type of work we have can determine our mood so for example in maths, some of us will agree that it is fun and others will disagree and say it is horrible.
In certain tasks we have to work on our own and in other tasks we have to work together- often in cooperative groups.

Sometimes our parents are invited in to see what we are learning and to help us with some of our activities.
By Chloe and Kayla

What do you enjoy learning most?