Aileymill Hoodies

In June we will be leaving Primary School and moving onto High School – which is an exciting but scary thought.

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To mark this important occasion we have ordered a leaver’s jumper with our name or nickname on it. We all look amazing in them!

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Our head teacher, Mrs Lind, who will be retiring in June, got one with the name ‘Heidie’ on it. It was so funny!

We all wear them with pride.

By Kyle

6 thoughts on “Aileymill Hoodies”

  1. Cool idea! We might think of getting a leaver’s hoodie for our next teacher who retires. Our Primary 7 year is going to be getting hoodies and we can’t wait to wear them in school instead of our normal jumpers.

  2. Your hoodies look fantastic and what a great thing to keep! P7 in St John’s are looking forward to getting theirs in May. Enjoy your last few months in Aileymill Primary before the big adventure to High School begins.

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