Mr Cook is aware that some of the Loch Insh DVDs have been copied incorrectly. There were 4 PCs copying at once, so one PC has made the wrong disks. Please bring in your DVD tomorrow if it has been made incorrectly, and we’ll make a new one!
Tomorrow is the last day of Primary School for many of our pupils. Even writing this blog post, the tears are welling up! It was a fantastic Leavers’ Service today – you were all fantastic! A few special mentions go to:
Citizenship Awards Laura Stewart & Lewis Mitchell
Citizenship Cup Mackenzie Brown
Cameron McCheyne, Ewan Neil and Fergus Wilson
Perfect Attendance Duncan Ball, Danni Bruce, Nadya Bruce, Leon Cameron, Rosie Flegg, Erin Fraser, Catherine Hamilton, Finlay MacLeod, Ryan McArthur, Rachel McRobert and Lewis Mitchell
Maths Challenge – BRONZE Ellie Sinclair
Maths Challenge – GOLD Morven Rothwell
Junior Leaders
Mackenzie Brown, Honor Brown, Georgia Ireland, James Haston, Ellie Sinclair and Ewan Murray
Today, the Christmas spirit was in full swing at the P6 party. Everyone had a fantastic time doing their Scottish country dances, playing party games, and having some of that fantastic party food. Thank you to parents/carers for their donations- some left overs will see the P6s through to the end of term no doubt!
Our forfeits went down a treat in Pass the Parcel- even the mistletoe. Mr.Cook and Mrs.Prentice did look a little silly when doing the demonstration for the matchbox and orange passing.
Three very tired teachers, all partied out,
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice