After Mr Cook finally managed to convince Mrs Prentice that there were three types of rock: Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic (ROCK CHALLENGE IS NOT THE 4th), we were able to become Rockstar Geologists like James Hutton.
Our challenge, using the knowledge we had gained, was to categorise a sample of rocks which had been provided at 13 different stations. The task was tricky as some were difficult to distinguish, especially between sedimentary and metamorphic. Some of the igneous rocks looked heavy, but when you picked them up they were extremely light, foamy in fact.
The link below will help you investigate rocks further, and help you become a real James Hutton:
Get your rock collection: CLICK HERE!
The Rockstar movie we watched can be found below:
Rockstar Movie
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Check out our photographs from today below:
Mr.Cook, Mrs.MacLeod and Mrs.Prentice
Hello, today the rock challenge was fun!!! Hope everyone else enjoyed it!
See you all tomorrow!!!
this is my link http://www.zo